Colonial America Timeline

  • Roanoke

    John White went to gather up supplies to England, to find a deserted land in now a days North America. They knew that this was deserted because of the note left on tree saying "CROATOAN", then for 50 miles on their way to the land of no settlement.
  • James town

    James town
    The Virginia Company of London established a colony along coast of Virginia. It was a very rough start. The settlement was swamp, the men didn't want to work, the winter was horrible, and the Natives here weren't friendly. John Smith was the Jamestown leader, saying that if you don't work, don't expect to eat. Tabaco made Virginia the first profitable export, by John Rolfe and his wife Pocahonatas. This then created indentured servants who worked in the fields to cure the tobacco.
  • House of Burgesses

    House of Burgesses
    It was established by Gov. George Yeardley in Jamestown. It was council and the governor himself that made up this. Only property owners could vote to elect representatives to the House.
  • Great Migration (Puritan)

    Great Migration (Puritan)
    The Puritans left England due to religious persecution. They were closely with Catholic Faith and needed to be reformed. they came across in the boat called the Mayflower and landed off the coast of Massachusetts.
  • Mayflower/ Plymoth colony/ Mayflower compact

    Mayflower/ Plymoth colony/ Mayflower compact
    The Pilgrims settled in the Plymouth Colony. 65 days at sea, to set anchor at Cape Cod. The Mayflower compact established the foundations for the colony government, being the first self government, meaning that it would allow the colonies men to make some of those important decisions. The Pilgrims settled by the Wampanoag soon met the Squanto. Squanto was captured during John Smiths expeditions and toke to England.
  • New York

    New York
    New York was a middle colony founded by the Dutch. Henry Hudson explored the area for the Dutch east India company, thus making the Netherlands to claim the territory. The Dutch gave out various lands to rent out for tent farmers to then get profit. Then the British got involved, but they were able to keep their lands. But, the Dutch surrendered, when the territory was renamed after the Duke of York.
  • Massachusetts Bay colony

    Massachusetts Bay colony
    The Puritans settled in the colony, a long channel, with about 100 Puritans. Governor John Winthup saying "We should be as a city upon a hill. The eyes of the people are on us". The colony was tied to the Puritan church, the pissenters were the people who didn't follow the Puritan rules and laws. If not to follow the rules, fines, public humiliation, execution, and banishment were forced among the people. Then it became a royal colony.
  • Maryland

    The southern colony of Maryland was founded by Lord Baltimore. Being settled as a proprietary colony, meaning that the owner of the colony was the leader, not the royal king or queen. When Lord Baltimore died, he gave 100 acres of land to every married couple in Maryland.
  • Rhode Island

    Rhode Island
    This was a New England colony settled by Roger Williams. Roger William was banished by the Massachusetts Bay Colony for speaking out for the punishing religious government and against the Native land. Rhode Island originally had no religion persecution of Christians
  • Connecticut

    This New England colony was founded by Thomas Hooker. In Connecticut they created the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, being the 1st written constitution in North America. The citizenship was based on land ownership, not religion based.
  • Maryland Toleration Act

    Maryland Toleration Act
    The Maryland toleration act gave religious freedom among those who believe in the Trinity and Jesus as the son of God. Anyone could go out and proclaim Jesus to be their savior and no harm or hate would come among them. Puritans, the death penalty could be handed out for those who didn't proclaim Jesus as savior. Anyone that, very drunk, swore, working lots could be handed a fine.
  • Salutary Neglect

    Salutary Neglect
    This was the first laws on the trade regulation in American colonies. One of the requirements of trade had to be shipped among a English ship, in attempt to keep the colonists from engaging in the trade. Salutary Neglect ended in 1760s.
  • Carolina

    The Carolinas were in the Southern Colony, that was settled by supporters of King Charles the second. Granting 8 support lands with easy trade with the west indies. The Caolinas had lots of cash crops that were grown for trade and selling other than just from the farmer to use. With these cash crops, that made for some heavy labor force among the farmer, creating African slaves to do the work other then the farmers
  • Bacons Rebillion

    Bacons Rebillion
    Nathaniel Bacon wanted to have a unauthored militia to attack the Native America, to then attack against a series of Native Americans on the Virginia land. People thought that he has a interior motive not being only just upset with Governor Berkeley's refusal on the attack of Native American people. This was being the first colonials rebellion against royal control. White famers got more rights. The law of Africans hereditary slaves got passed.
  • Pennsylvania

    The middle colony, settled by William Penn. When found it was established as the "Holy Experiment" where every man could own 50 acres of land along with the right to vote. The Quakers were among here, due to the fact that Penn was a Quaker. Quakers had a lot of hate toward their clothing and speech, having anti-war beliefs.
  • Salem Witch Trails

    Salem Witch Trails
    In the Salem village, Massachusetts had a wave of hysteria through out the land. Due to claims of people being possessed by the devil and having acts of witchcraft. !50 imprisoned, 7 died, 19 found guilty, and 1 crushed to death.
  • Great Awakening and Enlightenment

    Great Awakening and Enlightenment
    The Enlightenment began in Europe then moving to the Americas, inspiring the interest of education, science, and literature. This stressed the power of the human mind to be able to dig deeper into a subject of thought. When the Enlightenment happened it created the religion of Rational Christianity, belief that God loved everyone not just a choose group.
  • Albany Plan

    Albany Plan
    The British North American colonies wanted to be under the central government during this act. July 10, 1754 7 representatives from British North American colonies adopted the plan. It did however never carry out, but its soul purpose was to be under one government.
  • French-Indian war

    French-Indian war
    This war began due to the Ohio River and if it was apart of British Empire, this could have been used for trade. This war ended up going into the Georges war, for the dominance of North America. George Washington tried to put a stop to the French. His plan then became successful. But, there was no real winning among the French and Indian.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    The Proclamation of 1763 purpose was to prevent the American Colonists from disrupting the profitable fur trade cash flow with Native American tribes. This give a hate toward the colonist and the Native Americans. Before all this the French controlled the fur trade among all the people.