Colonial America Timeline

By Abby S
  • Roanoke

    The year was 1587, and John White who was a mayor of a new small colony at Roanoke Island, decided to go back to England for supplies. When he arrived in England, a war broke out between England and Spain, and every ship was called to battle including John's. When he returned to Roanoke nothing was left, besides the letters CRO carved on a nearby tree. No one knows to this day what happened. SOURCE-
  • New York

    The year was 1609, and Henry Hudson established a dutch colony. Then Fort Orange was founded in 1624. The Dutch focused more on trade than on permanent settlement. An English fleet then captured New Amsterdam and named it New York. The colony then developed slowly but surely with farmer colonists, like in New England. SOURCE-
  • House of Burgesses

    The year was 1619, and Gov. George Yearly established a General Assembly with the governor (himself, a council, and 2 burgesses (delegates) from each of the colonies' 11 settlements. Where they newly established the capital of colonial Virginia SOURCE-
  • Great Puritan Migration

    The year was 1620, and English Puritans left to go to New England, Chesapeake, and the West Indies. The Puritans mainly left because of religious reasons, but also for economic reasons. SOURCE-
  • Connecticut

    The year was 1639, and the general court the basics to their government had to be written down. So they decided to adopt the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut. The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut told what power was given to who, and that the government was under God. SOURCE-
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    The year was 1675, and trouble broke out when, the Doeg Indians raided the land of Thomas Matthews. Bacon later attacked the Susquehanaugs who were the wrong group, and that event led to large Indian raids. In 1676, Bacon's army then burned Jamestown to the ground. SOURCE-
  • Salem Witch Trials

    The year was 1692, and young girls in Salem Village, accused several women of witchcraft. This accusation, than led to hanging to women accused, and killed 19 people by hanging. Many others were imprisoned with witchcraft.

  • Albany Plan

    The year was 1754, and a meeting was held in Albany, New York. Seven delegates from each of the British Colonies, wanted to establish defense against the French, at the early point of the French and Indian War. They did this to secure loyalty. Franklin thought of the Albany Plan of Union, and it was approved by the delegates but rejected by the British Crown, and colonial assemblies. SOURCE-