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Gia Bartolotta Colonial America Timeline Project

  • Roanoke

    It was a little island off the eastern coast of North America. The mayor, John White, left for England to try and find new materials and power. But when he arrived back home he discovered the settlement empty and everyone gone. The word "Croatoan" was carved into a nearby tree. Unfortunately there was a huge storm coming and he was forced to go back to England despite the clues that were left.https://www.britannica.com/story/the-lost-colony-of-roanoke
  • Jamestown

    A joint stock company established the colony by the coast of Virginia. The colony had a bad start many died due to the weather conditions. The settlement was on a swamp, people refuse to work, and weather was terrible. John Smith Took action and saved Jamestown. He declared that those who didn't work would not eat. They grew tobacco and made good profit. Notes
  • Salutary neglect

    Salutary neglect
    It was a unofficial British policy of the nonenforcement of trade. It was initiated by the Prime Minister Robert Walpole. To relax enforcement and strict regulations was its main point to be created. History.com
  • Mayflower/ Plymouth/Mayflower compact

    Mayflower/ Plymouth/Mayflower compact
    Pilgrims and other passengers set sail on the Mayflower. Due to a storm instead of going to their original destination they were thrown off course onto Cape Cod. The start was hard most of them died due to starvation. Eventually the Indian Squanto helped them establish a treaty they had the first Thanksgiving. The Mayflower compact helps them establish equal laws and rules. notes
  • House of Burgesses

    House of Burgesses
    Governor George Yeardley led the general assembly at Jamestown. The meeting consisted of himself and the council. Once the meetings were moved from Virginia to Williamsburg Sir William Berkeley split the house off as a separate chamber. The house granted supplies and originated laws, The governor and the council agreed.
  • New York

    New York
    Henry Hudson explored the area in 1611 for the Dutch East India Company. The Dutch and British fought 3 naval wars. The British sent a naval fleet but the Dutch Surrendered without a fight. It was renamed the Duke of York. The Dutch almost recaptured the area but they failed. Notes
  • Massachusetts Bay colony

    Massachusetts Bay colony
    It was settled by the Pilgrims and the Puritans seeking religious freedom. Puritans wanted to purify the church of England. notes
  • Puritan Migration

    Puritan Migration
    King Henry caused conflict with the people and their religion so, In September of 1620 the separatists traveled to the new world on a cargo ship " The Mayflower". They landed at Massachusetts in November and established Plymouth Colony. They were led by John Winthrop. 80,000 people left for England going to a variety of different places. An outbreak of English civil war in 1642 caused the puritan migration to end.https://historyofmassachusetts.org/the-great-puritan-migration/#:~:text=The%20Gr
  • Maryland

    It was settled by Lord Baltimore. He was a Catholic who convinced King Charles to grant him land for the Catholics to settle. Baltimore died before he could do anything with the land and his son took over the colony. He offered land every married couple who settled in Maryland people took advantage of him and most of the Catholics became Protestant.
  • Rhode Island

    Rhode Island
    It was settled by Roger Williams and his supporters. Roger was banished from Massachusetts Bay colony for speaking against the government authorities. In Rhode Island there was no religious persecution. notes
  • Connecticut

    It is located in the Northwestern corner of the country. It was the leading manufacturer of guns and other arms. The Dutch established the first trading post on the Connecticut river valley. Thomas Hooker an English yeoman was the founder of Connecticut. He was an upright puritan who was seeking for a change but unfortunately only 299 men were admitted as free men in Connecticut between 1639 and 1662. Britanica
  • Maryland toleration act

    Maryland toleration act
    it granted religious freedom to all Christians living in Maryland. It was passed by the assembly of the Maryland colony. notes
  • Carolina

    King Charles gave eight supporters land in the Carolinas. The Carolinas provided easy access to trade in the west Indies. Carolinas grew cash crops such as rice, indigo, and tobacco. By having these crops it was a huge a labor force by 1720 African slaves overtook European settlers in the Carolinas. notes
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion
    The veteran Virginia governor Sir William Berkeley became upset with small farmers and frontiersmen because of high taxes, low tobacco prices, restrictions to vote, etc. Nathaniel Bacon's hatred against Berkeley stemmed from the governor's dismissive policy toward the political challenges of Virginia's western frontier. Bacon revolted and burned down Jamestown with the help of local tribes.https://www.history.com/news/bacons-rebellion-jamestown-colonial-america
  • Pennsylvania

    It was settled by William Penn. The King gave William Penn a charter for the colony of Pennsylvania. Every male receives 50 acres and the opportunity to vote. Eventually William Penn became a Quaker and his colony was a haven for Quakers.
  • Salem witch trials

    Salem witch trials
    A wave of witch hysteria swept through the area after young girls claimed to be passed by the devil. More than 100 people were imprisoned for witchcraft. Many men and women were found guilty and hung. LSD found in the plants they were eating was most likely the cause for these hallucinations. notes
  • The great awakening/enlightenment

    The great awakening/enlightenment
    The great awakening inspired greater religious freedom. It lead to many new churches being formed. George Whitefield what is one of the main people who inspired this. By being able to have their own churches the people felt as if they could work with the government and not be below them. The great enlightenment also lead to many new discoveries. People were able to publish their findings just as Benjamin Franklin did. This gave the people believe any quality. History.com
  • Albany plan

    Albany plan
    Was a plan to create unified government for the 13 colonies. Benjamin Franklin was the one who suggested this. The plan was to develop defense from attack of the French. britanica
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    This was a war between the French and the Indians. The war gave Great Britain a large amount of territorial gain in north America. But arguments over the frontier policy arose and paying the Wars expenses lead to colonial discontent. It is called the seven years war in Europe. The British won but lost a lot of money. History.com
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    It was issued by King George III. It forbade all settlement West of a line drawn by the appellation Mountains ( Indian reserve ). This was a leading factor to the American Revolution because of discontent between Britain in colonial land. History.com