Colonial America

  • 1480

    Christopher columbus

    Christopher columbus
    He sailed and reached the new world we was looking for a northwest passage.
  • Period: 1480 to

    Colonial America

    The colonists came to the new world. The settlers also made many settlements that were permanent.
  • John white

    John white
    John white was put in charge of the colony he also took his family to the colony.
  • Jamestown

    It was the first permanent settlement on the settlement they had many local fights with native americans john smith was their leader.
  • John smith

    John smith
    made friends with pocahontas and she saved his life.
  • Henry hudson

    Henry hudson
    Was sent to the new world by a dutch to get riches.
  • The Mayflower

    The Mayflower
    The pilgrims and separatists went to the new world in the may flower.
  • Plymouth rock

    Plymouth rock
    The pilgrims crossed massachusetts bay and settled in a rocky harbor they called plymouth rock.
  • The first thanksgiving

    The first thanksgiving
    They were thankful for squanto generosity so they had a big feast they called thanksgiving.
  • New netherland

    New netherland
    The english captured new nether to claim it.
  • William penn

    William penn
    He went to jail because he was a quaker. the king let william penn have land because of a debt.