Roanoke Source: https://www.history.com/news/what-happened-to-the-lost-colony-of-roanoke
Who: English Settlers, John White, and His family
What: When John White returned to Roanoke he found that everyone that was there had disappeared, and the only thing he could find was the word "Croatoan" carved into a tree.
Why: The reason everyone was gone was possibly because Native Americans had killed or taken them. "Croatoan" was the name a southern island by Roanoke.
Where: Roanoke Island -
Jamestown Source: Notes
Who: The Virginia Company, John Smith, John Rolfe, Pocahontas, and Colonists
What: The goal was to grow a lot of tobacco and make a big profit on it. The labor was costly though.
Why: They wanted to make a big profit, so they could keeping expanding the colony. Also so they could pay the slaves to keep working for them.
Where: Coast Virginia -
Salutary Neglect Source: https://www.thoughtco.com/salutary-neglect-104293
Who: Sir Robert Walpole and The British government
What: The British government didn't actually enforce tax laws because Walpole thought the colony would do great if they were governed like this.
Why: After the French and Indian War the British government went back to enforcing tax laws, which made the colonists angry. This stated the American Revolution.
Where: Great Britain -
House of Burgesses Source: https://www.ushistory.org
Who: Elected Representatives
What: Colonization of Spain and France from England.
Why: Spain and France had absolute monarchs, and they wanted to be free of the limited monarch of England. Then when New France and New Spain were formed the power went from the king or queen, and then to the settlers and if your class was lower you would never have a say. Also when the English kings they also had to listen to the colonists input.
Where: Jamestown -
Mayflower/Plymouth/Mayflower Compact Source: https://www.history.com/topics/colonial-america/mayflower-compact
Who: English Settlers
What: It was a list of self commanded rules when the settlers traveled on the Mayflower.
Why: So every thing wouldn't collapse while on the journey to Northern Virginia.
Where: Massachusetts -
The Great Migration Source: https://historyofmassachusetts.org/the-great-puritan-migration/
Who: Pilgrims
What: Pilgrims went to the Plymouth Colony and emigrants went to the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
Why: The Pilgrims (Puritans) wanted to get out of England because they weren't able to have the freedom to believe and participate in the religion they wanted to. They moved around to other areas, but they didn't like the line of work in those areas. The migration to the Massachusetts Bay colony was more difficult, but was achieved and done for the same reason.
Where: The Mayflower -
New York Source: Notes
Who: The Dutch and Henry Hudson
What: When Henry Hudson was lookin at areas for the Dutch East India Company he came across New York which back then, in 1611 was called the New Netherlands. The Dutch us the "Patroon" system to promote settlement. After the Dutch had settled they fought multiple naval wars with the British which they lost and surrendered.
Why: The Dutch surrendered due to the British sending their naval fleet. The territory was renamed for the Duke of York.
Where: New Netherlands -
Massachusetts Bay Colony Source: Notes
Who: Puritans, Governor John Winthrop, and Dissenters
What: The Puritans settled in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, and along with them they brought the beliefs of the Puritan Church which upset the Dissenters.
Why: The Dissenters didn't want to follow the Puritans rules and laws. This resulted in them being discipled in ways such as fines, public humiliation, execution, and banishment. In 1643 20,000 English settlers Joined the Puritans. By 1691 the colony was a royal one.
Where: Massachusetts -
Maryland Source: Notes
Who: Lord Baltimore
What: Lord Baltimore got King Charles I to grant him 100 million acres for persecuted Catholics to settle, since Baltimore was a Catholic. He set up Maryland as a proprietary colony.
Why: Baltimore did this so he would be the ruler of the colony not a king or queen. Once his son Cecil Calvert took over he offered land to all married couples who settled in Maryland, which ended up making Maryland a mostly Protestant colony due to the offer.
Where: Maryland -
Rhode Island Source: Notes
Who: Roger Williams and His Supporters
What: Roger Williams was banded from the Massachusetts Bay Colony, because he spoke about what he believed to the government. Then he found Rhode Island and settled.
Why: Williams was mad about religions persecution and the taking of Native American land. He stayed at Rhode Island because there was no persecution of Christians.
Where: Rhode Island and The Massachusetts Bay Colony -
Conneticut Source: Notes
Who: Thomas Hooker
What: Thomas Hooker settled in Connecticut and created the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut.
Why: He created the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut to have laws in place. It was the first constitution written in North America. Citizenship was based on what land you owned and how much, not religion.
Where: Connecticut -
Maryland Toreration Act Source: https://mtsu.edu/first-amendment/article/868/maryland-toleration-act-of-1649
Who: George Calvert, Cecil Calvert, Leonard Calvert, and Christian Settlers
What: The act protected the freedom of relgion.
Why: The act was created so blasphemy couldn't be brought to God, and so no one could make fun of another person's religion.
Where: Maryland -
Carolina Source: Notes
Who: Supporters of King Charles II
What: King Charles II gave eight supporters land in the Carolinas. People settled in the Carolinas to grow cash crops because of the simplicity of the trade.
Why: Cash crops make lots of money so settlers thought they could make money easy. But due to how much labor that goes into these crops they needed help from slaves. By 1720 African slaves outnumbered European settlers.
Where: The Carolinas -
Bacon's Rebellion Source: Notes
Who: Nathanial Bacon, William Berkeley, Bacon's Militia
What: Bacon wanted to retaliate against Native American attacks on Virginia, but Berkeley didn't want to retaliate.
Why: Bacon had a personal grudge against Berkeley, so Bacon an his unauthorized militia attacked and destroyed Jamestown. The rebellion ended after Bacon died of dysentery, and they his people that helped were hung. White famers and landholders achieved more power, and African slaves didn't.
Where: Jamestown, Virginia -
Pennsylvania Source: Notes
Who: William Penn
What: William Penn got a charter for Pennsylvania from King Charles II. After that Penn established the colony as a "Holy Experiment".
Why: Penn wanted a place without a landowning aristocracy where all male settlers got 50 acres of land and the right to vote. Due to this set up and William Penn becoming a Quaker, many Quakers wanted to come to Pennsylvania. After more Quakers came the Society of Friends was created, which is more commonly known as Quakers.
Where: Pennsylavania -
Salem Witch Trials Source: https://www.history.com/topics/colonial-america/salem-witch-trials
Who: "Witches", Samuel Paris, Villagers
What: Due to a group of girls that said the devil possessed them and witchcraft was on the rise a court in Salem decided to hear each witch case, and then decide if they were a witch, and then the court decided to hang them or put them in jail. But they were exaggerated.
Why: A lot of people just wanted people they didn't like or thought to be weird to be killed, so they would say they were a witch.
Where: Salem Village in the Massachusetts Bay Colony -
Great Awakening/Enlghtment Source: https://www.history.com/topics/british-history/great-awakening#:~:text=The%20Great%20Awakening%20was%20a%20religious%20revival%20that,emphasized%2C%20and%20passion%20for%20religion%20had%20grown%20stale.
Who: Johnathan Edwards, George Whitefield, David Brainard, Samuel Davies, Theodore Frelinghuysen, Gilbert Tennent
What: The Great Awakening was when religion in America was coming back, mainly Christianity.
Why: More people such as Johnathan Edwards were preaching about God, and how it important it is to have faith. Also other key preachers would talk about how man was born into sin, and that the people need to ask for his forgiveness.
Where: America -
Albany Plan Source: https://history.state.gov/milestones/1750-1775/albany-plan
Who: Benjamin Franklin
What: Benjamin Franklin along with others wanted to help unify the government of the Thirteen Colonies.
Why: The proposal was never stayed forever, but it was the first of many proposals to make the Thirteen Colonies run under on government. The Albany Plan helped bring the colonies together to at least get through the French and Indian War.
Where: Albany, New York -
French-Indian War Source: https://www.history.com/topics/native-american-history/french-and-indian-war
Who: Britain and France
What: When France expanded and started to use the Ohio River tensions started to rise with France and Britain. Then in 1756 Britain declared war.
Why: After was was declared Britain started to win more battles. By 1763 the Treaty of Paris ended the war and Britain was rewarded with a good amount of land such as Canada and Florida.
Where: Louisbourg and Quebec -
Proclamation of 1763 Source:https://www.history.com/topics/native-american-history/1763-proclamation-of#:~:text=The%20Proclamation%20of%201763%20was%20issued%20by%20the,the%20encroachment%20of%20European%20settlers%20on%20their%20lands.
Who: The British Empire and King George III,
What: The Proclamation of 1763 didn't allow anymore settlement west beyond the Appalchia.
Why: The Proclamation of 1763 was mainly put into place so the colonists were protected from the Indians, and so the Indians didn't fight the white settlers.
Where: Britian