Colonial America

  • Roanoke

    Who: Sir Walter Raleigh founded it and brought along about 115 setters.
    What: this was the first English settlement in the new world. Failed after about 3 years of the settlements founding.
    Why: The colony failed after only 3 years. No one knows what happened or where the settlers went only one thing was left and that was a message in the tree that read "Croantoan"
    Where: In current day North Carolina
  • Jamestown

    Who: 104 English men and boys settled the land and named it after their king.
    What: Within their first 2 years they were on the brink of failure, then they figured out how to grow the cash crop, tobacco. Tobacco would end up turning the direction of the colony around.
    Why: Was the first permeant English settlement in the new world
    Where: Jamestown, Virginia
  • House of Burgesses

    House of Burgesses
    Who: First announced by Virginia Stock Company. Only white males were in office though.
    What: The first form of legislative government in the colonies. Gave citizens a opportunity to vote.
    Why: Virginia Stock Company voted to abolish martial law and implement a legislative body.
    Where: Located in Jamestown, Virginia
  • The Great Migration

    The Great Migration
    Who: Puritans from England.
    What: Puritans leaving England for the the new world.
    why: they were looking for religious freedom. They didnt leave to get rich and they didnt let anyone join them.
    Where: England to New England
    There was 2 waves,
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    Who: 41 men signed the Compact
    What: Pilgrims created a temporary agreement on laws per majority vote.
    why: they wanted to stop an uprising before one happened. They also knew that they would need as many law abiding citizens as possible to make the colony successful.
    Where: Plymouth, MA
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony

    Massachusetts Bay Colony
    Who: Around 1000 Puritan refugees from England.
    What: The people came over from England on a joint proprietorship. In hopes of religious freedom and and an independent government.
    Why: Religious freedom and economic opportunities.
    Where: MA Bay
  • Maryland

    Who: Lord Baltimore was granted 100 million acres of land for persecuted Catholics to settle
    What: Lord Baltimore died and his son took over. His son offered 100 acres of land to anyone moving to Maryland.

    Why: Protestants to advantage of this deal and Maryland turned into mostly Protestant area.
    Where Maryland a Southern Colony.
  • Connecticut

    Who: John Haynes led 100 people into the Connecticut Bay, and founded the colony called Connecticut.
    What: Connecticut played a major role in getting the colonies freedom, and became a colony similar to Plymouth.
    Why: Puritans seeking religious freedom
    Where: Current day Connecticut.
  • Maryland Toleration Act

    Maryland Toleration Act
    Who: Law passed for religious tolerance on Trinitarian Christians
    What: Prohibited religious persecutions and limited hate speech
    Why: Lots of colonists were joining new denominations of Christianity and the people wanted to make sure everyone was safe and equal

    Where: Maryland
  • Carolinas

    Who: King Charles II granted 8 supporters the land.
    What: Was a really good peice of land for farming cash crops
    Why: Had easy trade routes to the West Indies, and was great for growing tobacco
    Where: North and South Carolina
  • Rhode Island

    Rhode Island
    Who: Settlers from Massachusetts, Led by Anne Hutchinson
    What: Settlers were guilty of heresy and banished from Massachusetts, so they left and formed the new colony of Rhode Island.
    Why: This new land was great for fishing and lumbar, but had poor soil so it was bad for farming
    Where: Rhode Island, a New England colony
  • New York

    New York
    Who: Originally the Dutch Controlled this area, but then turned into British land.
    What: Played a huge role in colonial Americas political road, and also was a major port for immigration.
    why: Was home to a major immigration port
    Where: Began in the Hudson river and the surrounding lands.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion
    Who: Nathaniel Bacon against Governor William Berkley
    What: An armed rebellion against the governor to fight their westward expansion laws.
    Why: To continue to expand westward and to antagonize the governor
    Where: In Virginia, they even torched the capitol
  • Pennsylvania

    Who: Founded by William Penn as a land grant from Charles II
    What: Created as a holy experiment for Quakers
    Why: Quakers were often criticized for the simplicity of their religion so this was made to be a safe haven for them.
    Where: Current day Pennsylvania
  • Salutary Neglect

    Salutary Neglect
    Who: Britain and their colonies
    What: Gave the colonies less regulation on their economy's and laws. Appointed governors for each colony but colonial legislators had more power.
    Why: Law never went into effect officially because it was to hard to enforce buy the British government.
    Where: Britain and American colonies
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    Who: A group of young girls claimed to be possessed by the devil and accused other girls of being a witch.
    What: Over 150 people were accused of being bewitched, and 25 died. This was one of the first mass murders fueled by fear and hysteria.
    Why: Later linked to a fungus found in bread, people feared these girls were being possessed by the devil which was causing them to act strange. These girls then accessed others of also being bewitched.
    Where: Salem Town, Massachusetts
  • The Great Awakening/Enlightment

    The Great Awakening/Enlightment
    Who: Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield
    What: A revitalization of religious piety in the colonies.
    Why: Americans were becoming more economically focused and losing hype in religion.
    Where: English Colonies
  • French-Indian War

    French-Indian War
    Who: Britain and France
    What: Britain vs France + Colonists + Indians. fought for power
    Why: Britain and France fought over who would be the leading power of the colonies.
    Where: North America
  • Albany Plan

    Albany Plan
    Who: Suggested by Ben Franklin and representatives of the colonial government
    What: A plan to create a unified government for the 13 colonies.
    Why: Despite its failure it served as a model and motivation for future attempts at freedom
    Where: Pennsylvania
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    Who: Issued by the British for the Native American's
    What: Was to appease the Native's, checking on the encroachment of their lands by European settlers.
    Why: The proclamation banned westward expansion past the Appalachian mountain. Only licensed traders could travel west to trade with Indians.
    Where: Britain and the Colonies.