Colonial america

colonial America

  • Roanoke

    Queen Elizabeth 1 gave sir Walter Raleigh his charter to find Roanoke.
  • People Disappeared from Roanoke

    People Disappeared from Roanoke
    John white sailed back to Roanoke finding that no-one was there and there were no signs of what happened.
  • Tobacco

    The first successful tobacco crop was planted and was made the first cash crops.
  • Plymouth

    First group of pilgrims landed on Plymouth Massachusetts.
  • New Netherlands

    New Netherlands
    King Charles II wanted to increase there colonies and told his brother the duke of York to take over new Netherlands. England ended up taking over new Netherland.
  • King Charles I

    King Charles I
    The new king Charles I didn’t like that the puritans were challenging the church and persecuted them even more, making them want to leave.
  • The Pequot War

    The Pequot War
    The Pequot war started because the greedy settlers wanted more food, resources and land.
  • The King Phillip war started

    The King Phillip war started
    Metacomet or king Phillip started a war to protect there land and he and his army attacked and killed hundreds of colonists starting the war.
  • Delaware making there own laws

    Delaware making there own laws
    Delaware asked William Penn if they could make there own laws and have there own government he said "yes" .
  • Carolina splitting up

    Carolina splitting up
    The people In Caroline decided to split up making Carolina become north and south Carolina.