Colonial America

  • Roanoke

    A group of 151 English settlers landed on the island of roanoke in August 1587. John White the leader of the group determined that he needed to sail back to Europe to get more supplies. When White arrived he was stuck in a Spain and Europe war and was delayed for 3 years. When John White was finally able to go back to Roanoke all the settlers and everything they had disappeared. White also lost his family. All they could find left of the colony was the word Croatoan on a nearby tree. Notes.
  • Jamestown

    Jamestown was the first permanent European settlement that gave the Europeans a part of the new world which was primarily controlled by the Spanish. King James the first funded the expedition led by Christopher Newport. The settlers and Native Americans had mixed feeling but for the most part they were against each other. The Indians constantly attacked the settlers.
  • New York

    New York
    New York was founded by Peter Minuit and was initially established as a colony of New Netherland. New York became New Amsterdam in 1614. In 1644 the King gave New Amsterdam to the Duke of York. Quite quickly he renamed it back to New York in honor of his own name. In 1685 New York was changed into a Royal colony and Sir Edmund Andros was appointed governor.
  • House of Burgesses

    House of Burgesses
    The House of Burgesses was significant because it was the first example of representative government in the colonies. This House is responsible for how our democracy and government is today. It was responsible for declaring independence from England and making their own country.
  • Great Migration

    Great Migration
    The Great migration was a period between the 1620's and the 1640's where about 20,000 emigrants came over to the Massachusetts colony. The Puritans mainly came over for religious reasons and some other economic reasons. The puritans were facing religious persecution so they searched for a way to get freedom from England.
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    A document that the pilgrims signed when they came over from England as a temporary set of laws. The paper was necessary for the settlers so they had rules to follow and also so they look like a real colony in the Americas. Every single male settler signed the compact along with two indentured servants. Everyone agreed they needed laws to survive.
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony

    Massachusetts Bay Colony
    About 1000 Puritan settlers came over under governor John Winthrop. They received a grant from the King to build a colony in the new world. The Puritans established a theocratic government with the franchise limited to church members. By the mid-1640s Massachusetts Bay Colony had grown to more than 20,000 inhabitants. This colony would be one of the many that was permanently established and survived.
  • Maryland

    John Smith was first to discover the land of Maryland in 1608. Almost 20 years later Baron Baltimore received a charter from King Charles I to found a colony east of the Potomac River. The first settlers of the Maryland Colony included a mix of about 200 Catholics and Protestants who had been promised land grants; they arrived on the ships the Ark and the Dove.
  • Connecticut

    When the first Europeans arrived to present day Connecticut they were greeted by a group of Algonquian-speaking Indians. Naturally the Europeans took the area for themselves and claimed it as new territory for England. By 1636 more and more people have immigrated to Connecticut so they elected a governor. John Winthrop Jr was elected as a temporary governor until more government came up to Connecticut.
  • Rhode Island

    Rhode Island
    Rhode Island was founded by five separate groups between 1636 and 1642. The colony was first named "Roodt Eylandt" by Dutch trader Adriaen Block, who had explored that area for the Netherlands. It was finally settled by England and claimed as England colony. Rhode Island was the first colony to declare independence in 1776.
  • Maryland Toleration Act

    Maryland Toleration Act
    This Toleration Act was purposed for religious protection. This protected settlers from religious persecution. It kept the ability for religious freedom and people still being able to believe in what they want to without being prosecuted by anyone. This went completely against the England laws and was one thing that the Americas was different.
  • Carolina

    The Carolinas was settled by eight friends of King Charles II. The friends helped the King get control over the throne again from the parliament and the Cromwells. Charles now owed the eight for helping him so he gave them all a land grant in the Americas that they went and settled as the Carolinas. The Colony remained under their control until 1729 when they gave it back to England and it became a royal colony.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion
    In 1676 most rights were given to the rich, wealthy, landowners. The poorer farmers had no rights. They weren't allowed to vote and with the fall of tobacco prices they were suffering. The farmers wanted to get more land to grow more food to make more money but they risked having to fight with the Natives. Bacon tried to start a militia by saying that the natives stole from him but no one wanted to help him. Bacon started his own army and attacked many Native villages.
  • Pennsylvania

    The Pennsylvania colony was established by William Penn in 1681. William Penn was the governor for about two years and he did a good job of keeping the Indian tribes as friends. The King of England gave a land grant to Penn to settle another colony. The land was given to the Penn family to settle a debt the King owned to the family. The Penns governed the colony until the war for independence broke out.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    The witch trials began from a group of girls claimed to be possessed by the devil and accused other people of using witchcraft. People believed the girls and raised suspicions immediately. The first person accused was Bridget Bishop the same month the suspicions occurred. In total a group of almost 170 were killed due to people thinking they used witchcraft. Not even a year passed and people started to turn against the trials and stopped them.
  • Salutary Neglect

    Salutary Neglect
    Salutary Neglect was a period of time between early to mid 18th century. This was a time where the British government didn't really care what the colonies did as long as they stayed loyal to Britain. This ultimately led the the Revolution because the colonies had a taste of freedom without being controlled by another government.
  • Great Awakening

    Great Awakening
    The Great Awakening was a period of time that lasted for about a decade. In this time people wanted to be able to become smarter and learn how to write and read. During this time people were more interested in culture and art instead of fighting and war. It was a religious movement that I think was very important for people to go through.
  • Albany Plan

    Albany Plan
    The Albany Plan of Union was a plan to place the British North American colonies under a more centralized government. On July 10, 1754, representatives from seven of the British North American colonies adopted the plan. Although never carried out, the Albany Plan was the first important proposal to conceive of the colonies as a collective whole united under one government.
  • French-Indian War

    French-Indian War
    The War was also called the 7 years war. The conflict continued because of France's want to explore the Ohio River. Every time they would go exploring British colonies would fight them to leave. In 1754, the French built Fort Duquesne where the Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers joined to form the Ohio River, making it a strategically important stronghold that the British repeatedly attacked. The French ended up winning a string of victories including a young George Washington. ://
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    The proclamation affected all thirteen colonies. The ruling was that none of the colonies were able to expand westward past the Appalachian. No one was allowed past a certain line. Only select traders were able to cross the line to trade with the Indian tribes on the other side. The Proclamation was intended to stop frequent attacks against the Natives and settlers.