Colonial America

  • Founding of Jamestown

    Englishmen sailed to find a new life in America. In 1607, they reached the coast at the James river. The passengers came ashore and started working on the settlement immediately.
  • Creation of the House of Burgresses

    The House of Burgresses was the first legislative assembly. It was established by the Virgina Company. 22 representatives made up the House while 6 other people came from the Virginia Company, and together they made the Virginia General Assembly
  • Founding of Plymouth

    Because of a blown course, the Mayflower didn't find what they were initially looking for (Virgina Colony) They instead Cape Cod, and made there way to Plymouth where they started a village. It was originally inhabited by the Natives of the land.
  • Pequot War

    The tribe of Plymouth and their Native American allies teamed up to fight against the Pequot tribe. Hundreds from both sides were killed. The end result was the termination of the Pequot tribe.
  • Fundemental Orders of Connecticut

    Adopted by the Connecticut colony counil on January 14. It was a constitution for the colonial government of Hartford and was similar to the government Massachusetts had set up. This Order gave men more voting rights and more eligibility to run for elected positions.
  • Maryland Toleration Act of 1649

    Also known as the Act Concerning Religion, it was a law mandating religious tolerance for Christians. It was passed on April 21, 1649 by the Maryland colony. It was the 2nd law requiring tolerance in the British North American colonies
  • Navigation Acts

    Navigation Acts were a series of laws that restricted the use of foreign shipping for trade between England and its coloinies. The goal of this was to force colonial develpment and stop direct colonial trade with European countries. Included acts such as: Molasses Act of 1733, Sugar Act of 1764, and more.
  • King Philip's War

    Sometimes called the First Indian War, this war was fought between the Native Americans that inhabited modern day New England, and the English colonists and their Native allies. Named after Metacomet, who was known as King Philip. War ended in a peace treaty signed at Casco bay in 1679
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Armed rebellion in 1676 by Virginia settlers led by Nathaniel Bacon against the rule of Gorvernor William Berkeley. Bacon wasn't happy with how he treated him and the citizens. The rebellion failed after loyallists and merchants sided witht he king. It was the first rebellion in the American colonies, which then influenced other rebellions later on.
  • Dominion of New England

    Administrative union of English Colonies in the New England reigion. It was a failure, because of how the colonies didn't like how they lost their traditional rights. It was more or less trying to take after a model of a Viceroy in Spain
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Series of hearings and prosecutions of women accused of witchcraft. Hearings took place at a variety of towns in the Salem province. Many people were hanged and killed and it was all for a lost cause
  • Peter Zenger Trial

    Zenger was a German American writer/editor of the New York Weekly Journal. He began writing that newspaper to voice his opinion of the governor, William Cosby. That wasn't so popular with the government, so he then got arrested and prosecuted. The case had high public interest because of the fact that he was speaking his mind but got arrested for doing so. After the trial finished, they found him not guilty.
  • Stono Rebellion

    Sometimes called Cato's Rebellion, it was a slave rebellion that commenced on September 9th, 1739. It took place in South Carolina and it was the largest slave rebellion that took place prior to the American Revolution. The leader. "Cato" was an educated slave that hired about 60 other slaves for the rebellion, but was surpressed later on by the militia.
  • Great Awakening

    This was period of time of religious revival in America. It wasn't one specific even but rather multiple laws, ideas, and religion changes. It started in the early 1700's and ended in the late 1800's.. By definition, there were 4 significant Awakenings.