The Quartering Act
Quartering Act was introduced May 1765 which would forced Colonists to supply British Troops with housing, firewood and blankets etc. The Colonists protested in assemblies and even a New York assembly company wouldn't comply. However the British kept pushing the Act on everyone no matter what, if they didn't comply they were punished. -
The Declaratory Act
The Declaratory Act was brought into effect March 18. 1765 which gave Britain complete and utter control over the Colonies no matter the such situation and the Colonists didn't really care because they were still celebrating the repeal of the Stamp Act.' -
The Stamp Act
. The Stamp Act was brought into effect on March 22, 1765 and it made so any printed documents or legal documents had to be issued on only stamped paper distributed by special stamp distributors. The Colonists were outraged, they attacked tax collectors, they rioted in cities. Eventually the British repealed the Act on March 18, 1766 due to the reactions from Colonists. -
The Tea Act
The Tea Act which was introduced May 10, 1773 gave East India Company the right to sell tea directly to the Colonists which the Colonies did not like at all as they protested against favoritism toward monopoly companies. They eventually had the Boston Tea Party on December 16 1773. -
The Coercive Act
The Coercive Act was brought into effect March 1774 and it was made to punish Massachusetts for the Boston Tea Party. It closed Boston's Port, restricted town meetings and British officials found accused for crimes could be sent to Canada or England for trial. This led to the boycott of British Goods and the first meeting of the continental congress