
  • raleigh sent 100 men

    raleigh sent 100 men
    in 1585 queen elezebith allowed raleigh to send over 100 men from england to roankoe island
  • everyone dissipered

    everyone dissipered
    then john came home he made a dicovery no one was there it was like they all dissipered
  • growing crops

    growing crops
    jamestown settelers taught them how to grow tobacco how to hunt and how to set up there tents
  • coloney

    in 1607 they found all of the 13 coloneys or the 13 british coloneys
  • coloneys

    in 1607 the first coloney jamestown virginya
  • jamestown

    in 1607 a man names james came to virginea and named it jamestown after king james
  • jamestown river

    jamestown river
    the jamestown river is very dirty because it is toxic
  • the pilgrums had there first thanksgiving

    the pilgrums had there first thanksgiving
    and on nov 29 1620 the first thanksgiving happened
  • pilgrums came from england

    pilgrums came from england
    pilgrums came from england in 1620 to plymouth and they called it plymouth rock they called it that because there was a rock just sitting on the beach so they decited to name it that
  • Period: to

    landing on plymouth rock

    in 1620 the pilgrums came to plymouth rock.and they met a very nice tribe that taught them a lot but in the 1800s they got into a big war witch killed a lot of the pilgrum.
  • american revolution

     american revolution
    in 1775 the american revolution started witch killed a lot of people