Colonail Times

  • Period: to

    Colnial Times

  • massachusetts publick school

    massachusetts publick school
    massachusetts requires large towns to have public school
  • slave revolt

    slave revolt
    the first majior slave revvolt in virginia
  • triangular trade

    triangular trade
    enslaved aficans come to colonnies
  • influenced eupean

    influenced eupean
    the enlightenement influences european intellectual thought
  • great awaening

    great awaening
    great awaening sweepet through the conies
  • zenger case

    zenger case
    the Zanger case marked the step towerd fredom of the preess
  • freedom of press

    freedom of press
    freedome of pess pepeole ganed the right to publish the truth whith out being panalied
  • montesuieu's

    montesuieu's the spirt of laws arguess
  • georgia

    georgia becomes the last of colonies to permit slavery
  • stamp act passed

    stamp act passed
    stamp act was aproved
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
  • final battle

    final battle