
  • Step 1

    When the Armed Conflict in Colombia had started, my parents had been born
  • Period: to


    The government began to persecute and extradite drug lords. This triggered a wave of violence known as narcoterrorism.
  • Period: to

    The Crmilnal Gangs

    The so-called Criminal Gangs (Bacrim) or Organized Armed Groups (GAO) had resumed the illicit activities carried out by the paramilitaries, especially those related to drug trafficking and illegal mining, I had born in the last year
  • Period: to

    Peace process

    From 2012 to 2016, the government of Juan Manuel Santos had developed a peace process with the FARC-EP guerrillas in Havana, Cuba, with the aim of finding a political solution to the conflict. I was between 6 and 10 years old, I had recently entered school
  • Corruption

    In 2016, the Corruption Perception Index 2016 (CPI), of the agency for International Transparency, (which rates from 0 (Very Corrupt) to 100 (Very Transparent)) of the levels of corruption perceived by the public sector in 175 countries and territories evaluated - Colombia, in that study had obtained a rating of 37 points
  • When I was 11, I had seen in the news that the ≠ in Colombia had had the number 2 index in Latam