Period: Jan 1, 1492 to
College History
Oct 12, 1492
Columbus Discovers New World
Columbus was looking for a trade route from Europe to the Spice Islands through the Alantic Ocean. He discovered an entire new body of land instead. He landed on the island of Hispanola. -
Sep 1, 1519
Ferdinand Magellan
He left Spainin 1519 with five tiny ships. He sailed to the tip of South America and was defeated by the inhabitants of the Philipines. He had one ship remaining which completed the first cicumnavigation of the world. -
Sep 1, 1521
Juan Ponce de Leon explores Florida
He tought it was a large island at first. He was seeking gold and other riches. One thing that he was NOT looking for was the magical fountain of youth. he was killed by an Indian arrow. -
Sep 2, 1532
Fransico Pizarro kills Incas
He killed off the entire Incan population in Peru in 1532. This added a lot of land under the Spanish command. The Spanish found a ton of silver on these lands and this causes inflation in Europe. -
Sep 9, 1540
Coronado explores prsent-day Southwest
Explored from the upper Rio Grande all the wat to Colorado River. The explorations lasted from 1540 to 1542 -
Sep 11, 1565
St. Augustine
This was Spain's first settlement in North America. They founded it to try to block French ambitions and protect the sea-lanes to the Caribbean. St. Augustine is the oldest continually inhabited European Settlement in the Americas -
Sep 11, 1577
Drake Circumnavigates the globe
Francis Duke was known as a sea dog. He curcumnavigated the world from 1577-1580. When he returned, he had a fortune of Spanish booty and netted profits up to 4,600%. -
Colony was located off the coast of Virgina. Virginia was namedd after the Queen Elizabeth, the "Virgin Queen". The leader, Sir Walter Raleigh, sent men to England to bring supllies. When the ship returned, the colony was not there. It simply vanished. No one knows what happened to the people there. -
Don Juan de Onate
He led explorations thorugh the lands of the Pueblo peoples. He and his mean cruelly abused the Pueblo people. In the Battle of Acoma, he cut one foot off of each suruvior. -
Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement in North America. The colony struggled a lot. During one winter, the colonists restored to cannibalism because they were so ill prepared for the harsh winter -
Tobacco in Jamestown
john Rolfe had perfected the sweet tobacco which grew very well in the soil. Europeans became addicted to the tobacco and the demand was out of the roof. JAmestown soon had found a cash crop that was very easy to produce. -
Maryland was founded in 1634. It was the fourth colony to be planted. It was meant to be a safe haven for Catholics and other christians. Catholics were not well liked and needed a place to go. The only peole who were not allowed were Jews and Antheists. -
Carolin wass created in hopes of planting sugar there and to export non-englih products such as wine, silk, and olive oil. Carolina became involved in a slave trade. This is how many slaves got the America. -
Pope's Rebellion
Roman Catholic's were trying to convert Indians to their religion. The Pueblo's were enragedd and destryoed every Catholic Church in the province and killed many priests and Spanish settlers. -
It was the last colony to be planted. It became a colony 126 years after the first, which was Virginia. Georgia was to be used as buffer colony. Georgias main purpose to protect the other coloines from the Spanish in the south.