Jan 1, 1450
Printing Press
The printing press was introduced in 1450 and helped to spread the scientific knwoledge. -
Oct 20, 1492
Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue.
Christopher Columbus "discovered" America. He found a land that was already inhabitated by the American Indians, but he gets credit for discovering the Americas. -
Jan 1, 1494
Treaty of Tordesillas
This treaty divided the New World between Spain and Portugal. -
May 3, 1494
Christopher Columbus discovers Jamaica
Christopher Columbus discovers Jamaica after "discovering" the New World. -
Jan 1, 1497
Giovanni Caboto
Giovanni Caboto also known as John Cabot was sent by the English to explore North America in 1497-1498. -
Jan 1, 1513
Juan Ponce de Leon
In 1513 and 1521 Juan Ponce de Leon explored Florida in search of gold. Unfortunatley before he could find any gold he was killed by an Indian arrow. -
Jun 30, 1520
Noche Triste
The Aztec's attacked the Spanish from Tenochtitlan. -
Jan 1, 1532
Francisco Pizarro
Francisco Pizarro conquered the Inca's of Peru in 1532 making Spain very rich by the 1600's. -
Feb 1, 1542
Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo
Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo explored the coast of California in search of San Fransico, but unfortunatley he was unable to find much of anything. -
Rio Grande Valley
In 1598 hundreds in men in wagons traveled from the Sonora Desert to Mexico to the Rio Grande, They were led by Don Juan de Onate. -
Battle of Acoma
In this battle the Spanish cut off one foot from each of the survivors. -
Kidnapping of Captain John Smith
Captain John Smith was captured by the Powhatan Indians and executed by their chief, even though his daughter Pocahontas saved him. -
New Mexico
They Spanish claimed New Mexico and founded the capital in Santa Fe in 1610. -
Colonists Headed Home
After being diseased and suffering from malnutrition the colonists attemtping to head home. Unfortunatley for them Lord De La Warr was waiting for them at the mouth of the James River, and forced them back to Jamestown. -
Death of Europeans
Disease had struck against the Europeans yet again, killing about 347 settlers including John Rolfe. -
Maryland was founded by Lord Baltimore and was the second plantation colony and the fourth English colony to be established. -
Pope's Rebellion
The Indians caused an uprising due to the fact that the Roman Catholics were trying to suppress their religion. -
Powhatans Extinction
The English considered the Powhatans to be extinct because an official census in 1669 revealed that there were only about two thousand Indians left in Virginia. -
Settlements in Texas
It was in this time period that the Spanish began to make permanent settlements in Texas. -
Great Awakening
The Great Awakening began in Massachusetts and lasted ten years until it was spread throughout all of the American colonies. -
John Peter Zenger
A New York newspaper publisher was tried a year after he was accused of seditious libel. Because of his lawyers tactics he was soon acquitted. -
England and Spain
England declares war on Spain. Because of this Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina begin to fight amonst themselves. -
Charleston South Carolina
50 black slaves were hung in South Carolina after they planned a revolt against their masters. -
Iron Act
The Iron Act was passed by English Parliament. This limited the growth of the iron industry in the Americas. -
The Currency Act
English Parliament based the Currency Act which band the issuing of paper for New England colonies. -
French and Indian War
Their is a dispute over the land in the Ohio River Valley that causes the French and Inidian War to break out. After many attacks the French forces decide to retreat. -
Edward Braddock
General Edward Braddock arrives in Virginia with his English troops. -
England declares war
The English declare war on France causing the French and Indian War to spread to English colonies. -
William Pitt
William Pitt becomes England's Secretary of State causing the French and Indian war to escalate. -
Spanish missionaries in San Diego led by Father Juniper Serra starteed one of the first of a chain of twenty missions. These missions were north of San Fransico Bay. -
Battle of Ticonderoga
This was a small battle at Fort Carillon. -
Plains of Abraham
The British defeat the French giving the control of Canada. -
Quebec's surrender
Quebec surrenders to the English. -
England declares war
England declares war on Spain, but the British attacks the Spainards in the West Indies and Cuba. -
Seven Years War
The Seven Years War ends with the Treaty of Paris. With this treaty France gives England all of its territory east of the Mississippi except New Orleans. -
King George the third of England signs the Proclamation of 1763 that prohibits any settlement west of the Appalation mountains. -
Pontiac forces
Near Pittsburgh Pontiac forces are defeated. -
Sugar Act
English Parliament passed the Sugar Act to lower the debt of the French and Indian war. This act increases duties on imported sugar and other textiles. -
Currency Act
This act prohibits people from selling legal tender paper money. -
The Quartering Act
The Quartering Act came into play. This act required that families take in British troops and give them food and water. -
Medical School
In Philadelphia the first United States medical school was founded. -
The Sons of Liberty
The Sons of Liberty opposed the Stamp Act by using force and violence. This caused Britsh stamp agents to resign. -
Thomas Hutchinson
Chief of Massachussets, Thomas Hutchinson was attacked by an angry Britich mob. His family barely managed to escape. -
New York
New York refuses to go along with the Quartering Act. -
KIng George 3rd
King George the 3rd repeals the Stamp Act by signing a bill, causing Ben Franklin to warn everyone of a revolution among the American colonies if British still decides to enforce the Stamp Act. -
Declatory Act
On the same day as the Stamp Act was repealed Parliament passed the Declatory Act which stated that British government has the power to pass any law for the American colonies. -
Violence Breaks Out
In New York American colonists and British soldiers break out in a fight partyly because od the Declatory Act. -
Townshend Act
This act put a series of taxes on the colonists including paper, tea, glass, lead, and paint. -
San Diego
San DIego, California was discovered by Franciscan Friar Juniper Serra. -
New Jersey, Rhode Island and North Carolina begin to boycott English goods. -
The population in the American colonies had reached 2,210,000 people by 1770. -
Violence occurs between the Sons of Liberty and approximatley 40 British soldiers because the British posted broadsheets. -
Boston Massacre
A drunken mob of colonists approach a group of British soldiers causing a gun to be fired and a battle to begin. -
The Townshend Acts
At this time in history the Townshend Acts are repealed. All taxes were removed except for the tea tax. -
Tea Act
Because the British East India Company was almost bankrupt the British began to put a 3 penny per pound tax on tea, which makes the British very wealthy. -
Intolerable Acts
Parliament passes the first of a series of acts known an the Intolerable Acts to respond to the rebellion of Massachussetts. -
1765 Quartering Act
English Parliament passes a new version of the Quartering Act which requires American colonists to provide housing for British troops. -
General Gage
General Gage is forced to pursue the Intolerable Acts and cause an "open rebellion" and use neccessary force. -
Articles of Confederation
Congress is given ultimate authority over our new nations government. -
France signs a treaty with us causing the American Revolution to become a world war. -
The British surrender at Yorktown. -
Britain decideds that they are going to put a stop to American hostilities towards them. -
Treaty of Paris
The Treaty of Paris ended the Revolutionary War. -
The United States Constitution was signed. -
New York
New York was declared was temporarily declared as the capitol of the United States. -
First President
George Washington was elected as our first president of the United States. -
Judiciary Act
The Judiciary Act was raitified and this act layed out the basis for the federal court system. -
Treasury Department
The United States Treasury Department was established. -
Bill of Rights
The Bill of Rights was ratified. -
Whiskey Rebellion
Farmers began to rebel because an excised tax was being put on whiskey. -
Vermont and Kentucky
Vermont and Kentucky became part of the United States. -
Farewell Address
George Washington delivered his Farewell Address to Congress. -
The Second President of the United States
John Adams was elected as the second president of the United States in a very close election. -
Third President
Thomas Jefferson was elected as the third president of the United States. -
Lewis and Clark
Lewis and Clark explore the Louisiana Territory with the help of Sacajewia. -
Aaron Burr
Aaron Burr was acquitted of treason by a court in Richmond, Virginia. -
Fourth President
James Madison is elected as the fourth president of the United States. -
Battle of Tippecanoe
Tecumseh and The Prophet fight against the Americans because we were invading their territory. Tecumseh died at this battle. -
War of 1812
The War of 1812 began. -
Treaty of Guadalope Hildago
This organized Oregon as a territory. -
Gold Rush
The California Gold Rush begins. -
Compromise of 1850
This compromise admits California as a free state bu under the Fugitive State Law. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Harriet Beecher Stowe published a popular novel about the life of a slave. -
Dred Scott Decision
Dred Scott was a slave and took his master to the Supreme Court because he felt that he should be a free man because his master moved. He lost this case because as a slave he doesnt have rights. -
Orgeon is admitted as part of the United States of America. -
South Secedes
When Lincoln was elected president and South Carolina felt threatened so there was a delegates meeting and the South Carolina was the first state to secede from the Union. -
South creats a government
The 7 states that had already seceded created the Confederate Constitution. -
President Lincoln's 11 year old son dies from a fever that was most likely cause by bad water. -
Fort Sumter
Lincoln was going to send supplies but the South that it was a trick. These shots were the shots that started the war. -
West Virginia is formed
People living in the western region of Virginia didnt want to secede with the rest of the state of Virignia so they formed there own state. -
Confederates surprise attack Grant at Shiloh with a result of 13,000 Union men killed and 10,000 Confederate men killed. -
Second Battle of Bull Run
75,000 men under the command of John Pope are defeated by 50,000 men under the command of Stonewall Jackson in Virginia. Pope is relieved from cammander after losing this battle. -
Known as the bloodiest battle in history. 26,000 men are either dead, wounded, or missing by nightfall. -
Emancipation Proclamation
Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamtion freeing some of the slaves. -
Stonewall Jackson
Stonewall Jackson is shot and killed by one of his own men. -
Hooker is defeated by Lee at the Battle of Chancelorsville because of Lee's brilliant tactics. -
The Confederates are defeated at the battloe of Gettyrburgh in Pennsylvania. -
Sherman March
Sherman marches through Georgia. -
Lincolns assassination
Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth in Ford's Theater.