I was born
Grandpa started Collage Fund
Started with 2,000 dollars. Added once every year. -
Period: to
Saving money for collage
Period: to
Grandpa was saving
Grandpa was the original person who was in charge of my collage savings fund. -
Asked about collage fund
Put in $2,000
Account holder switched to Iowa Savings Fund
Grandpa died November 13, 2001 -
Period: to
Mom is account holder
Put in 2,200
Put in $2,290
Put in $2,500
Invested $2,685
Had $26,851 in account
Price Went Down
$26,851.84 -
Had $25,638.20
Had $35,242.90
Most recent Transaction -
Potentialy pick a major
Subject to change -
High School Graduation