Andrew Jackson
https://www.loc.gov/rr/program/bib/ourdocs/Indian.html May 20, 1830, President Andrew Jackson signed the bill stating all the lands west of the Mississippi River are Indian Lands. He forced all of the American Indians that were east of the Mississippi Westward. -
Trail of Tears
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aia/part4/4p2959.html A Band of Cherokee were forced out of their homeland by the U.S. Government. They were to be relcoated 1,000 miles away in What is now Oklahoma. This move was taking place on the onset of winter. The Cherokee began their unwanted journey, During this journey nearly 4,000 Cherokee died, thus earning the name "Trail of Tears". -
Relocation map
http://access.sd25.org/curriculum/NativeAmericans/trailtears.html Andrew Jackson and his administration had removed 46,000 America Indians from their land east of the Mississippi. Most members of the five southeastern nations had been relocated west, opening 25 million acres of land to white settlement and to slavery. -
Reservation System
http://www.warpaths2peacepipes.com/history-of-native-americans/trail-of-tears-map.htm Nearly all of the American Indians throughout Norh American were rounded up and placed onto reservations, where they were to assimulate to the European lifestyle. This had man negative consequeces and resulted in numerous deaths, as well as hard feeling between Indian nations and the U.S. government. -
Modern day reservations in the United States
http://americanindiantah.com/history/nar_19thcenturyrelations.html This is a photo of all the current reservations up to this date.