Collapse of the Soviet Union Timeline

  • Mikhael Gorbachev is Made Head of The Communist Party

    Mikhael Gorbachev is made leader of the Russian Communist party, starting the fall of the USSR
  • Glasnost

    Gorbachev promotes openness, which creates social reform, and exposes the injustices committed by the Party
  • Gorbachev Initiates Reforms

    He fixes the economy by reforming the inefficient system of central planning
  • Democratization

    The COmmunist Party loosens its hold
  • Foreign Policy Changes

    Gorbachev de-escalates the cold war by agreeing to ban Nuclear missiles, along with Ronald Reagan
  • Parts of the Soviet Union Begin To Revolt

    Lithuania and other parts of the USSR demand freedoms from the Government, leading to the government to crack down on them.
  • Yeltsin Gains Favor

    Due to the attacks, Yeltsin is looked to for competent leadership, becoming the first directly elected Russian president
  • Yeltsin Experiences Difficulty

    Yeltsin's s abrupt shift caused inflation to soar, and caused an economic crisis
  • August Coup

    Gorbachev is detained by hardline conservatives, and tanks enter Moscow, however the people lost their fear of the party, and protested. Yeltsin called for the end of the occupation and a return to the constitution. The soldiers refused to follow the conservative's orders, causing the coup to fail
  • Collapse of the Soviet Union

    The failed coup causes the Party to lose its power, by december, all of the Republic had declared independence
  • Chechen is Invaded by Russia

    Russian Troops move into CHechen to prevent an uprising
  • Putin

    Putin puts down the chechen uprising, helping him win the election