
1960's to 1970's AntiWar Movements

  • Vietnam Walk and protest

    Vietnam Walk and protest
    1962 after becoming disillusioned with President Kennedy's failure to halt nuclear proliferation. A decidedly middle-class organization sane represented the latest incarnation of traditional liberal peace activism. Their goal was a reduction in nuclear weapons.
  • Protest to stop killing children and sending troops

    Protest to stop killing children and sending troops
    The Vietnam War and its accompanying protest movement represented a fundamental shift in the relationship between political leaders and its citizens. World War II was a conflict that was almost universally lauded as necessary and proper by the people of the United States.
  • Lyndon Johnson and Barry Goldwater Presidential Debate

    Lyndon Johnson and Barry Goldwater Presidential Debate
    Lyndon Johnson in his 1964 campaign against Barry Goldwater. Following Johnson's victory, they refrained from antiwar rhetoric to avoid alienating the president and possibly endangering the social programs of the Great Society
  • Antiwar movement exposed a deep schism

    Antiwar movement exposed a deep schism
    The AntiWar movements started on collage campuses and they gained national prominence in 1965, after the United States began bombing North Vietnam in earnest. Antiwar movement exposed a deep schism within 1960s American society.
  • Protest for killing kids

    Protest for killing kids
    Vietnam Day a symposium held at Berkeley in October 1965 drew thousands to debate the moral basis of the war. Campus editors formed networks to share information on effective protest methods two of these, the Underground Press Syndicate 1966 and the Liberation News Service 1967 became productive means of disseminating intelligence.
  • The Khe Sanh

    US military leaders began noticing an increase in traffic on the Ho Chi Minh trail. They suspected major assault coming and soon
  • Collages and the American Society

    Collages and the  American Society
    A Group of students from a collage Anti-war marches and other protests such as the ones organized by Students for a Democratic Society attracted a widening base of support over the next three years
  • The main attacks

    The communist offensive began january 30th 1968 this was the start of the Tet offense. The Tet offense is a series of massive coordinate attacks.
  • Election of 1968

    THe election of 1968 Candidates were Richard Nixon , Hubert Humphrey ,George Wallce