Edward Burra, 'Cupbearer' 1930s
1.German republic gives power to Hitler.- Albert Einstein arrives in us, refugee from Nazi German.
- Nazi German begins persecution of Jews.
Hannah Höch. 1936 Whitechapel Gallery. , Untitled collage, (Picture: Maria Thrun)
1.In 1938 to ramp up to the beginning of World War II in the following year and acts against Jewish persons in Europe became more aggressive. 2.Germany invades Austria in March . Austria then becomes a part of Germany. 3.The 1936 Summer Olympics were held in Berlin. -
Kurt Schwitters .Picture as Rainbow, 1939
1.Germany invades Poland. 2.The Holocaust took place in the broader context of World War II. On September 1, 1939. 3.In June 1941, Germany turned on its ally, the Soviet Union. -
Ad Reinhardt Newsprint Collage 1940
- The Germans opened the Auschwitz concentration cam.
- In a devastating setback, Britain had to retreat from France in the Dunkirk evacuation.
- Other war-related events in 1940 include the Katyn Forest massacre of Polish prisoners of war by the Soviet Army and the establishment of the Warsaw Ghetto.
ILYA BOLOTOWSKY, Abstraction, 1942s
1.German dictator Adolf Hitler invades Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands , Belgium, Luxembourg, and then France.- The US government publicly opposes Hitler's aggression in Europe but refuses to get involved.
Eileen Agar.The Hotel Eden, 1945
1.United states dropped a bomb on Hiroshima. 2.The Berlin blockade begin. 3.Douglas William Sutheland was born on the 28th of may 1945. -
Dano Marello. 1950s-looking people, woman driving space-ship.
1.Korean war begin. 2.first modem credit card was introduced. 3.first organ transplant happens. -
happy 1954's housewives Clorox Clean home,Sally Edelstein 4
1.President Truman receives the NSC-68 Report about the Cold War. ... 2.President Truman signs the Organic Act of Guam. 3.Diner's Club issues the first credit cards. -
Mimmo Rotella. Citation,1957
1.Jan 1 Benjamin Britten's ballet "Prince & the Pauper," premieres in London. 2.Jan 1 George Town, Penang becomes a city by a royal charter granted by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. 3.Jan 3 1st electric watch introduced, Lancaster Pa. -
Kitchen Magic by Winston Smith
1.President Kennedy advises all "prudent families" to have a bomb shelter. 2.The DNA genetic code is broken. 3.The IBM Selectric typewriter is introduced -
Blatantly fetishistic … First Step (1966) by Allen Jones.
1.Medicare bill passes. 2.34 people die in Watts ghetto riot. 3.190,000 troops are in Vietnam. -
Dan Flavin Untitled (To Pat and Bob Rohm)1969.
1.The Sixties dominated by the Vietnam War, Civil Rights Protests. 2.The 60s also saw the assassinations of US President John F Kennedy and Martin Luther King and Cuban Missile Crisis. 3.Finally ended on a good note when the first man is landed on the moon -
Miriam Schapiro.Explode, 1972. Acrylic and collage on canvas. Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, NY. Gift of Lucille Bunin Askin.
1.Pocket calculators introduced. 2.Electronic mail was introduced. 3.American pie was introduced. -
Saint-Nicolas, Ink and acrylic on paper and wood, 1974.
1.Jan 1 NBC radio begins on the hour news 24 hours a day (following CBS lead). 2.Jan 1 World Population Year begins. 3.Jan 1 With effect from this date the New Zealand government terminates all tariff preferences previously granted to South Africa. -
Joseph Cornell,Notes in Time, 1979
1.Jan 1 International Year of the Child begins. 2.Jan 1 Jura, 26th canton of Switzerland, established. 3.Jan 2 30th Islander shut-out opponent-Glenn Resch 9-0 vs Vancouver.