Period: to
Early cold war
Yalta conference
First atomic bomb dropped on japan
Truman doctrine
Rio pact
Truman's Loyalty Program
Berlin Blockade
Marshal plan
Brussels pact
nato ratified
Soviet First atomic bomb test
Communist peoples republic of china created
Federal civil defence admin established
Korean war
Period: to
Middle cold war
Stalins death
KGB established
Vietnam split at 17th parallel
warsaw pact
Vietnam war begins
Suez crisis
Sputnik lauched
Fidel Castro takes over cuba
soviet shoots down US spy plane over Soviet territory
Bay of pigs invasion
Berlin wall begins construction
cuban missle crisis
Nuclear test ban treaty
Apollo 11 land on moon
pentagon papers
salt 1 signed
Period: to
Coldwars end
Vietnam falls to commusist
Soviet and Cuban forces help to install Communist government in Angola.
US-China establish diplomatic relations
SALT II signed
Iranian hostage crisis
soviets invade Afganistan
Powers remove all short/long range nuclear missles
Garbachev controls soviet union
Powers remove nuclear missles from Europe
countries break out of Soviet union
Berlin wall falls
Soviet troops withdraw from Afghanistan
Decline Soviet union
Boris Yeltsin elected as President of Russia
Germany unites
end of soviet union
Salt 1 signed