
  • Period: to

    Early cold war

  • Yalta conference

  • First atomic bomb dropped on japan

  • Truman doctrine

  • Rio pact

  • Truman's Loyalty Program

  • Berlin Blockade

  • Marshal plan

  • Brussels pact

  • nato ratified

  • Soviet First atomic bomb test

  • Communist peoples republic of china created

  • Federal civil defence admin established

  • Korean war

  • Period: to

    Middle cold war

  • Stalins death

  • KGB established

  • Vietnam split at 17th parallel

  • warsaw pact

  • Vietnam war begins

  • Suez crisis

  • Sputnik lauched

  • Fidel Castro takes over cuba

  • soviet shoots down US spy plane over Soviet territory

  • Bay of pigs invasion

  • Berlin wall begins construction

  • cuban missle crisis

  • Nuclear test ban treaty

  • Apollo 11 land on moon

  • pentagon papers

  • salt 1 signed

  • Period: to

    Coldwars end

  • Vietnam falls to commusist

  • Soviet and Cuban forces help to install Communist government in Angola.

  • US-China establish diplomatic relations

  • SALT II signed

  • Iranian hostage crisis

  • soviets invade Afganistan

  • Powers remove all short/long range nuclear missles

  • Garbachev controls soviet union

  • Powers remove nuclear missles from Europe

  • countries break out of Soviet union

  • Berlin wall falls

  • Soviet troops withdraw from Afghanistan

  • Decline Soviet union

  • Boris Yeltsin elected as President of Russia

  • Germany unites

  • end of soviet union

  • Salt 1 signed