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Russian History
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Nazi and its alles fought the soviet union -
Potsdam Conference
Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, Britian prime minister Winstin Churchstill was replace by Prime Minister Clement -
Beinging of the Cold War
The Cold war started soon after the end after the end of WWII America and it's allies including Great Britian and the Soviet Union, defeated Japan and Germany -
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Berlin Blockade
During the multinational ocupotion of WWII the soviet union blocked the weatern railroad -
Sputnik 1
The first thing to break the atmosphere.Scared the U.S because they feared that if they have the tech to enter space, they could lunch nuclear missiles without moving closer. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
U.S and Soviet Union standoff because of soviet plan to install nuclear misssiles on Cuba. Crisis lasted 13 days. -
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Vietnam War
Resistance war aganist America. -
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Glasnost/ Perestroika
Policies that were promoted to reform the Soviet Union. They wanted to create semi-free market but had to take too-much time. Include more people political process through freedom of expression. -
Berlin Wall
Seperated West Berlin from East Berlin and the rest of Germany.November 11,1985 soviet leader Nikita K. declare the 1994 London Protocal invaild. August 12-13, 1961 German police and workers militias set up barb walls around the city of West Berlin. -
Fall of Soviet Union
They ceased to exist on December 21, 1991 when 11 of its constituent republics declared the creation of the CIS. The cost of the Cold War ans the non-Russian ethnic centriugal force brought the downfall of the Soviet Union.