Start of Korean War
America and The Soviet Union had used the conflict in a smaller country to pick sides and try to spread their political ideas -
UN forces arrive in Korrea
The conflict has first started and MacArthur is leading troops against the communists. -
China Joins the Korean War
After China joins the war, the North Koreans are getting more weapons because China joins their side as communists. -
Truman fires MacArthur
Because MacArthur and President Truman had conflicting ideas about how to continue the war, the president fired the general. -
Civil Right Movement begins
This was the movement by colored people towards being given equal rights. -
Eisenhower becomes president
after Truman’s presidency, General Eisenhower is elected because people respect him as leader -
Nuclear Arms Race begins
USA and USSR testing atomic bombs to defend against each other -
Korean War ends
Fighting in Korea ends
A cease fire is negotiated and fighting between North Korea and South Korea is ended. Americans start to pull out of Korea. -
Brown vs. Board of Education
trial provides all with separate but equal rights -
Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks sat in seats for white people on bus, refuesed to get up for a white man, arrested for doing so -
Warsaw pack formed
Civil rights
Colored people no longer segregated -
USSR tanks to Poland
to suppress demonstrations by workers -
National guard
National Guard called by government to prevent some African Americans to attend all white school in Arkansas -
Sputnik launched
USSR satellite in orbit -
Explorer I launched
USA satellite in orbit -
Cuba taken over by Fidel Castro
Sit-ins were popular types of non-violent protest -
JFK elected President of USA
Vietcong created
infamous North Vietmanese Vietcong created to serve as military -
Bay of Pigs invasion
People trained by CIA invaded Cuba to try to stop communism -
Construction of Berlin Wall begins
Cuban missile crisis
JFK assasinated, Dallas TX
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
aftrer incident,congress passed the resolution giving president in war decisions -
vietnam war
the war to stop the spred of comunism. -
200,000 US troops to be sent to Vietnam
tet offensive
Vietcong launch large attack on South Vietnamese cities on holiday of Tet. People realize that no matter where they are or when it is, they aren't safe from Vietcong attack -
MLK killed
Martin Luther King, Jr is killed by a white man in Memphis, Tenn. His birthday is declared a national holiday -
President Johnson does not run for presidency
Richard Nixon elected President of USA
Apollo 11
Apollo 11 lands on the moon and USA is the first people to walk on the moom. -
nixon extends vietnam war
Nixon instaed of ending the war go to Cambodia. -
Nixon went to China to talk with the leaders. -
Cease fire in Vietnam
after more fighting, cease fire agreed between N and S Vietnam and American troops begin to pull out -
Nixon resigns because of Water gate scandle. -
N Vietnam victory
after cease fire, N Vietnam breaks promise, invades and conquers S Vietnam. America failed to prevent spread of communism -
North Vietnam defeats South vietnam now a communist country -
Reagan/Gorbachev make agreement
Presidents Reagan and Gorbachev resolve to remove all intermediate nuclear missiles from Europe -
Missiles removed
Reagan and Gorbachev agree to remove all medium and short-range nuclear missiles -
soviet union
The end of the Soviet Union and Cold War