Baby Boom
After the war, the birthrate increased by 20 million, over triple the previous amount. Because of World War II and the Great Depression, many decided to have children to make up for the lost time. During the war and depression it was too hard and expensive to raise children. After they had passed, people began to have better health care for both children and women during the 40s and 50s. The impact was rapid growth causing companies to mass produce products. -
Medicare was started by President Lyndon Johnson in 1966. This program helped elderly men and women over the age of 65 pay for their hospital bills, it usually covers close to half of their charges. The impact of this helped reduce prices of health insurance by 75%. Medicaid was set up by the SSA. This program gave people money if they had low income with medical bills. In medical history, medicaid has been the largest source of funding for low income users. Benefits vary depending on the state. -
Robert F. Kennedy Assassination
Robert F. Kennedy decided to run for president. He was in Los Angeles, CA at the Ambassador Hotel. On June 4, 1968, RFK gave a speech and walked through the kitchen back to the hotel to avoid the crowd. He stopped and conversed with the workers. Sirhan Sirhan shot RFK 3 times. He was hit twice in the abdomen and once in the head by a .22 cal. pistol. He was angry at RFK because he supported Israel's military. The impact of this event is now Secret Service protects all presidential candidates. -
Kent State Massacre
On May 4, 1970, an Ohio school had 21000 students and teachers protest after Nixon's pledge to send troops to Cambodia. Police arrived and began bayoneting and clubbing students. The National Guard had to get involved and met with hostile chants and rocks. 28 fired 61 bullets into the crowd. Only 4 students killed, and 9 wounded. 25 school members were found guilty and took blame for what the police and National Guard did. No one besides school citizens were blamed for the massacre. -
Gerald Ford
Gerald Ford was a Republican and served after Richard Nixon resigned. He served two years in office. Prior to becoming president, he was a Michigan congressman for 25 years. During his presidency he started trade with the Soviet Union and was a big part in the JFK investigation. He had two assassination attempts against him and used to be a model. His main impact is opening trade with our once enemy helped us gather more supplies. -
Persian Gulf
Saddam Hussein sent 100000 troops into Kuwait, a rich oil producing country. This happened because they wanted to prevent Iraq from spreading their influence of communism into the Middle East. American soldiers were sent into Saudi Arabia and launched the attack "Desert Storm." 28 other countries join on the United Nations side and destroyed all enemy defense missiles. The war ended after 6 weeks. Losing 382 Americans and 100000 Iraqis. The impact was billions of dollars was used to rebuild. -
Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton served from 1992-2000 as a democrat. Prior to becoming president, he was the governor of Arkansas. The impact her had was lowering the deficit for citizens. He helped with the health care reform. He also gave $20000 to Bosnia to help with repairing. He also made the test ban treaty and got it passed.His favorite ice cream is mango flavored and he also won two Grammy Awards. -
Social Network Revolution
Iraq and Afghanistan
The Afghanistan and Iraq wars started two years apart from each other. Afghanistan started in 2001. American troops took over the countries for over a decade to make sure the world was safe after the 9/11 attacks.This was also to prevent the possibilities of mass destruction weapons, but there was no evidence of these things. They eventually captured and killed the attacker leaders. They also helped the Iraqis choose their own government. Fighting broke out between the Shiite and Sunni.