Cold War Timeline- Nick Fabbio

  • Yalta Conference

    The US, Britain, and the Soviet Union met in Yalta to decide the future of Germany. They decided it would be split up into zones and each nation would get a section.
  • Creation of the United Nations

    US and USSR joined 48 different countries to form the UN. The UN protected member against aggression and keep international peace.
  • Potsdam Conference

    Truman, Churchill, and Stalin met for another conference. Truman wanted Stalin to hold free elections in East Europe, Stalin refused. The idea of the Iron Curtain was furthered.
  • Containment Policy

    Truman adopted a foriegn policy of containment. Directed at halting the spread of communism and Soviet influence.
  • Chinese Civil War

    The civil war in China ends and the communists take control of China. The communist party won the peasants support after World War II. Mao Zedong is the communist leader.
  • NATO + Warsaw Pact

    10 western nations joined the US and Canada to form NATO. The alliance allowed for free trade between the nations and promoted the spread of capitalist democracies in Europe.
    The Soviet Union formed the Warsaw Pact to combat NATO. The pact created a buffer zone for the USSR and spread communism.
  • 38th Parallel is Crossed

    Communist North Koreans crossed the border into South Korea in a surprise attack starting a war. The UN backed South fought against the Chinese and USSR backed North in a long and bloody conflict.
  • Berlin Wall

    Stalin separates East and West Germany by building a wall between them. Doesn't allow for Germany to reunite, Stalin wanted Germany to stay weak and separated.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Stalin sets up missile sites in communist Cuba. This is a big threat to US and international safety. An all out nuclear war is feared, closest point to nuclear war. The Soviets removed the missiles after the US promised not to invade Cuba.
  • Vietnam War

    The US sent many troops to Vietnam to aid the South Vietnamese. They fought against the Chinese and Soviet Union backed North Koreans. They were unable to win ground battles so they bombed acres of farmland.
  • Moon Landing

    Apollo 11 was the first successful manned moon landing. Neil Armstrong was the first to walk on the moon. The space race furthered technology and knowledge about space.
  • Rise of Detente

    A policy under President Nixon, it put an end to brinkmanship. It favored cooperation and eased Cold War tensions. Both US and USSR accepted this policy and it created more international peace.
  • SALT

    Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, this was between the US and USSR. They decided on the limit for the amount of nuclear weapons a country could possess. This cooled Cold War tensions because it lessened the threat of a nuclear war and the two powers worked together for international peace.
  • Invasion of Afghanistan

    The Soviet Union slowly gained influence in Afghanistan, and a communist regime was forming. Muslims threatened communism and caused the Soviets to invade. The US supplied and supported the Afghan rebels who fought the Soviets.
  • New Soviet Leadership

    The Soviet Union was under new leadership and final Cold War tensions began to thaw because of a new Russian Policy towards the US. Relations.