
Cold War Timeline

  • Germany is Split

    Germany is Split
    after WWII ended, Germany was split into four zones of occupation, the Soviet Union controlling one third, and the other two thirds were split between the U.S., Britain, and France.
  • The "Iron Curtain"

    The "Iron Curtain"
    Winston Churchill Gave a speach discribing the split of Europe as an "iron curtain". The split was a threat to peace.
  • The Truman Doctorine

    The Truman Doctorine
    The Truman doctorine was created as a promise to give economic and military aid to combat the spread of comunism.
  • Problems in Berlin

    Problems in Berlin
    The soviets blocked off West berlin from western support to attempt to force them out of the city so Russia would have full controll over the capital. The Berlin airlift, however, counterd this effort, bringing supplies in from the west, the soviets ended the blockade a year later
  • The Arms Race

    The Arms Race
    The arms race between Russia and the U.S. begain with the news of the Soviets succesfully testing an atomic bomb. This cause back and forth growing of nuclear wepondry, going from shear power of the bomb, to the number of bombs they had.
  • The Launch of Sputnic

    The Launch of Sputnic
    Sputnic (the first articicial satellite) was launched into space by thew Rssians. This showed the Soviet Union suddenly had surpassed the U.S. in the arms race
  • The Berlin Wall

    The Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall was created by the Soviets to stop the residents of East Berlin from moving to West Berlin, but it mostly had succeded in showing the brutalitly of Russia and what they would do for somthing to go there way
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis

    The Cuban Missile Crisis
    The U.S. spotted the installation of nuclear wepons in cuba. After two weeks the Soviet leaders removed the missiles when the U.S. removed their's from Turkey.
  • Test Ban Treaty

    Test Ban Treaty
    The Test Ban treaty was created to prevent new nuclear wepons from being created. It banned nuclear testing in the atmosphear, in space, and under water.
  • SALT

    The Strategic Arms Limitations Talk (SALT) was to limit the number of nuclear wepons held by each side. it also made it so neither country could have Anti-Ballistic Missiles so both sides would be more nervous about actualy launching their missles because they couldnt do anything about a retaliation