Cold War Timeline

  • the struggle

    the struggle
    in January 1946, president Truman warned the states that another war is in the making. So he was planning a war.
  • Iron curtain

    Iron curtain
    the iron curtain was an imaged used by Churchill to describe the sharp division of Europe that was the result of Soviet actions.
  • The Cold War

    The Cold War
    the cold war started because the eastern and the western had tension between each other.
  • Marshall plan

    Marshall plan
    the Marshall plan was made to help out the Europeans rebuild their build. they also helped the western European quickly recover from the war.
  • Berlin airlift

    Berlin airlift
    a Berlin airlift was a masive effort to supply West Berlin by airlift.
  • NATO

    NATO was designed to counter Soviet Union power in Europe.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    In June 1950, North Korea attack South Korean. The reason they attack was so south and north can unite under a Communist government. and also because North supported the communist government and South Korea didn't.
  • Warsaw

    in 1955, the Soviet Union and the communist nations of Eastern Europe formed an alliance and they where known as the Warsaw. They formed this alliance so they have control of own power.
  • Arm Race

    Arm Race
    An Arms Race is a struggle between nations to gain an advantage in weapons. During this events, so many nuclear bombs where being used.
  • Cold War Around the World

    Cold War Around the World
    The Cold War took over America and Vietnam. They had a conflict with communist spreading. Also American supported the French with stopping the communist.