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Yalta Conference
Victory in Europe Day
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Postdam Conference
Japanese Surrender
Announced on August 15, signed on September 2. -
Iron Curtain Speech
Truman Doctrine
President Henry S. Truman announced that USA will give political, military, and economic assistance to democratic countries that are being threatened by another force (Communism). -
Marshal Plan
This was an initialive to help European countries after World War II, with the United States sending $13 billion dollars to repair war-ridden countries in Europe. -
Period: to
Berlin Blockade/Airlift
Comecon Created
NATO Established
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (all members of this organization will assist each other when a war breaks out). -
China Becomes Communist
Domino Theory
A theory in the early 1950's that stated that if one country were to become communist, then all the countries around it will too in a domino effect. -
Period: to
Korean War
KGB Established
Vietnam Divided
Warsaw Pact Established
Warsaw Pact was a NATO-like pact that was a defense treaty amongst the communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe in the Cold War. -
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Vietnam War
Period: to
Suez Crisis
The first satellite launched into space. It was launched by the Soviet Union. -
Fidel Castro Takes Over Cuba
Nicaraguan Invasion
U2 Spy Plane Shot Down
First Man in Space
Yuri Gagarin, hailing from the Soviet Union, was the first man to go to space. -
Period: to
Bay of Pigs
The failed American invasion of Cuba. -
First American in Space (Alan Spepard)
Berlin Wall Built
The Berlin Wall was the wall that divided East and West Berlin from 1961-1989. -
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Cuban Missile Crisis
A meeting between America and the Soviet Union discussing the Soviet ballistic missiles deployed in Cuba. Was the closest the Cold War got to becoming nuclear. -
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Gulf of Tolkin Incident/Resolution
Period: to
Six-Day War
Tet Offensive
Apollo 11 Lands on the Moon
USA sends a spacecraft to the moon and wins the Space Race against the USSR. -
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Yom Kippur War
Period: to
Iranian Hostage Crisis
Glasnost and Perestroika
Translation: openness and restructuring. Gorbachev introduced big changes economically and internationally. -
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Iran-Contra Affair
Tiananmen Square
Poland Becomes Independent
Hungary Becomes Independent
Germany Reunites
Mikhail Gorbachev Takes Office
Berlin Wall Falls
Signified a start of German Unification and the start of the end of the Cold War. -
Warsaw Pact Ends
Boris Yeltsin Elected President of Russia
USSR Dissolved
Communist Governments in Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Bulgaria Fall