Cold War Timeline

  • Ho Chi Minh

    Ho Chi Minh
    He lived through May 19, 1890- September 2, 1969 and he was 79 years old when he had passed. He was a Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh was the main player.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    The Korean War began when some 75,000 soldiers from the North Korean People's Army poured across the 38th parallel, the boundary between the Soviet- backed Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea to the North and the pro- Western Republic of Korea to the South.
  • Space Race

    Space Race
    The space did was a 1st president- century competition between two Cold War rivals, the Soviet Union and the U.S., for supremacy in spaceflight capability.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    The Vietnam War, also known as the second Indochina War, and known in Vietnam as Resistance war against America or simply the American War.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    The Tet Offinsive was one of the largest military canpaigns of the Vietnam War, lauched on January 30, 1968, by forces of the Viet Cong and north Vietnamese People's Army of Vietnam against the forces of the South Vietnamese Army.
  • Kent State

    Kent State
    President Nixon appeared on national television to announce the invasion of Cambodia by the U.S. and the need to draft 150,000 more soldiers for an expansion of the Vietnam War effort.
  • Iran Hostage Crisis

    Iran Hostage Crisis
    The Iran hostage crisis was a diplomatic crisis between Iran and the U.S. 52 American diplomatis and citizens, were held hostage for 444 days after a group of Iranian students belonging to the Muslim Student Followers.
  • Iran Contra

    Iran Contra
    It started on August 20, 1985 and it ended on May 4, 1987. The Iran Contra, in U.S. history, secret arrangement in the 1980's to provide funds to the Nicaraguan contra rebels from profits gained by selling arms to Iran.
  • Gluf War

    Gluf War
    The war of January and February 1991 in which an international coalition of forces under the auspices of the United Nation forced the with drawl of Saddam Hussein's Iraqi forces Kuwait, which they had invaded and occupied in August 1990. The main players are Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates.
  • 9/11

    19 militants associated with the Islamic extremist group al-Quaeda hijacked four airliners and carried out suicide attacks against targets in the U.S. Two of the planes were flown into the towers of the World Trade Center in New York City.
  • War in Afghanistan

    War in Afghanistan
    The war in Afghanistan is the periodd in which the U.S. invaded Afghanistan after the September 11 attacks. Supported initially by close allies, they were later joined by NATO begining in 2003.
  • Iraq War

    Iraq War
    The Iraq War was a protracted armed conflict that began with 2003 invasion of Iraq by a United States- led coalition. The invasion regime toppled the government of Saddam Hussein.