Cold War Timeline

  • American-Soviet cooperation ends

    World War II transformed both the US and USSR, turning them into super powers so competition between the two built up.
  • Czech uprising (prague spring)

    Czech uprising (prague spring)
    Czech citizens and members of their resistance launched a final attack against the nazi's which lasted from may 5th to may 9th
  • US announces "containment"

    This was an American foreign policy created to contain the geopolitical spread during the war
  • US Marshall Plan

    US Marshall Plan
    President Truman signed the economic recovery act and it became known as the "Marshall Plan" which proposed that the US would provide economic assistance to restore Europe
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    june 1948-may 1949. The Soviet Union created a blockade so the US and UK airlifted food and fuel to Berlin
  • NATO formed

    NATO formed
    The North Atlantic Alliance was set up in the aftermath of the second world war. It's purpose was to secure peace all throughout Europe, promote cooperation and guard freedom.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    From june 1950-july 1953, North and South Korea were at war because North Korea wanted to militarily take over the south and unify korea under the communist regime.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    The Korean War went on from June 25th to July 27th after the North Korean People's army invaded South Korea in a general attack at the several strategic points allong the 38th parallel
  • Creation of the Warsaw Pact

    Creation of the Warsaw Pact
    The Soviet Union created this pact as a counterbalance to NATO
  • Vietnam War

    An intense conflict between the North and South Vietnam and its ally, the United States. Started after the Gulf of Tonkin incident
  • Soviet Unions H-Bomb

    Soviet Unions H-Bomb
    The Soviet Union exploded its first hydrogen bomb at the Semipalantinsk test site.
  • Khrushchev called for "peaceful co-existence"

    Khrushchev had called for peaceful co-existence between his country and the US and it's allies. His leadership is remembered as a period of "thaw" during the war
  • Hungarian Revolt

    The Hungarian revolution, also known as the Hungarian uprising was a revolution against the government of the republic and the domestic policies put in place by the soviet union
  • Sputnik is launched

    Sputnik is launched
    The USSR launched a basketball sized satellite that turned out to be the first manmade object to orbit the Earth.
  • Bay Of Pigs Invasion

    Bay Of Pigs Invasion
    The bay of pigs was a failed attack launched by the CIA to push the Cuban leader away from power
  • Berlin Wall built

    Berlin Wall built
    East German soldiers built a long wall barrier with barbed wire on the tops to prevent East Berlin citizens from entering into West Berlin
  • Four Powers divide Germany

    After experiencing great losses after the German invasions in the 1st and 2nd world war. The Allies divided Germany to protect European peace and security.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    For 13 days in October, the world waited on the brink of a potential nuclear war.
  • Partial Test ban treaty signing

    Partial Test ban treaty signing
    The PTBT signing was a treaty that restrained parties from carrying out nuclear explosions that can cause radioactive debris in the atmosphere,outerspace or underwater.
  • American-Soviet hotline

    American-Soviet hotline
    John F. Kennedy was the first US president to install a direct line to the Soviet premier to have better communication
  • US votes for communist China into UN

    US votes for communist China into UN
    The UN passed the United Nations Resolution that stated the People's Republic of China is the only government of China and secured them a permanent member of the Security council
  • SALT treaty signed

    SALT treaty signed
    The US and the Soviet Union agreed to keeping a limited number of nuclear missiles and deployment sites in their arsenals.
  • Helsinki Accords

    Helsinki Accords
    The Helsinki Accord was signed to establish the protection of European people and to urge signatories to respect human rights
  • Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

    The Soviet Union sent out thousands of troops to afghanistan and assumed complete military and political control of Kabul and large portions of the country.
  • Polish "solidarity" uprising

    Polish "solidarity" uprising
    The solidarity was founded in august and registered in November. It was a broad anti-authoritarian social movement that used methods like civil resistance to advance the causes of workers rights and social change.
  • US Star Wars Research

    US Star Wars Research
    Strategic Defense Initiative proposed a defensive system against potential nuclear attacks and the research began
  • I.N.F. treaty signing

    I.N.F. treaty signing
    The intermediate-range nuclear force treaty was an arms control between the US and the Soviet Union to agree to eliminate their medium-ranged missiles that could contain nuclear warheads.
  • Berlin Wall Fall

    Berlin Wall Fall
    There was political reforms inside the government and the communist party announced change in its relations with the West
  • Iron curtain collaspe

    Iron curtain collaspe
    The iron curtain was a metaphor and ceased to exist with the communist abandonment of the one-party rule in eastern Europe
  • Germany's reunification

    Germany's reunification
    Germany was divided during the Cold War but after the cold war and the collapse of the soviet union, germany was reunited

    Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty was signed by the Soviet Union and the United States to reduce and limit the amount of strategic offensive arms they had.
  • Soviet Union ceases to exist

    The leaders of three of its founding members officially disbanded the Soviet Union during the huge political crisis and after several republics departed.