Cold War Timeline

  • Arms Race

    Arms Race
    US plans to develop hydrogen bomb and the soviet union Sets to match this goal
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    North Korea invades South Korea, goal was to unite country under a communist government
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    Vietnam gained freedom from France and elections were held for who would lead the new country Ho Chi Minh was favored to win , he was a communist. With back up from the US anti communists took control of South Vietnam war. Kennedy believed the Free world should fight for freedom in Vietnam. The United states was involved in a Full scale war.
  • Warsaws Pact

    Warsaws Pact
    West German called for military coorperartion was a military alliance between the soviet Union and several Eastern European Countires
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion

    Bay of Pigs Invasion
    1,400 Cuban exiles landed on the Cuban beach in Bay of Pigs nothing went as planned. The Cuban people did not rise up or revolt and the invaders were quickly killed
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    There were secret missile bases built in Cuba. Missile launched from theses bases could reach U.S cities in matter of minute, president Kennedy met this challenge head-on, demanded the soviets remove their bases.
  • Gorbachev took office

    Gorbachev took office
    he came into office to reform the communist system and make it better, he formed the policy which led to increased freedom, speech and religion, bettered the economy
  • Communsim Collapses

    Communsim Collapses
    Poland freely votes for a non communist government, and and uprising against communism spread to the Soviet Union. During the second Russian Revolution took place and banned communism