Period: to
Cold War
"Iron Curtain" Speech
The Marshall Plan
eehhhh stuff -
Berlin Blockade
Formation of NATO
USSR gets the A-Bomb
Beginning of Communist Rev. In China
McCarthy Witch Hunts
End of Communist Rev. in China
Beginning of Korean War
Rosenburg Executions
End of Korean War
Warsaw Pact
Beginning of Vietnam War
Hungarian Uprising
Sputnik Launched
Bay of Pigs
Construction of Berlin Wall begins
Cuban Missile Crisis
Kennedy Assassination
Gulf of Tonkin Incident
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
End of Vietnam War
Iranian Hostage Crisis
Beginning of Soviet/Afghan War
Iran Contra Affair
Gorbachev introduces Glasnost and Perestroika policies
End of Soviet/Afghan War
Fall of the Berlin Wall
End of Warsaw Pact