The Iron Curtain
The Iron Curtain was used to describe the border or line that seperated the non-communist Western Germany and the communist Eastern Germany. This was just a representation of political tensions that the Allies where having within eachother and a step closer to the Cold War. -
The Truman Doctorine
The Truman Doctrine was an oath to provide economic and military aid to go against the spread of communism. This was a way to prevent the spread of communism around other nations and around the world. -
Marshall Plan
The Marshall Plan was a economic aid program to help Europe's crisis. Fearing that Europe might turn to communism due to it's crisis, the Marshall Plan aided them with $13 billion for the rebuilding of Europe. -
Crisis In Berlin
The Soviet Union blocked off all the land, rail, and water routes that go into West Berlin. Due to this over 2 million Berlin residents could no longer import food, coal, and other needed supplies, hoping for the west to leave berlin.The West didnt give up and created a Berlin Airlift in which was an effort to supply the west by air. Later on in May the blockade was called off. -
Nuclear Arm Race
A Nuclear Arm Race began between the Soviet Union and the United Sates, after knowing that Soviet Union had sucessfullly tested atomic bomb the U.S knew they didnt have the advantage anymore. Therefore the U.S tried to come up with more poewrful and better weapons. Soon both countries were in the Nuclear Arm Race trying to have the adavntage and better waepans from its opponent. -
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Aliiance
After the crisis in Berlin United States, Canda, and most of Western European countries joined up for an alliance. This alliance was called the North Atalantic Treaty Organization, or better known as NATO. -
Korea Splits Up
Soviet Union took control of Nothern Korea and United States took control of Southern Korea. Eventually North Korea was communist and South Korea was non-commiunist. -
Warsaw Pact Alliance
A couple years later after the aliiance of NATO,the Soviet Union and other communist nations of Eastern Europe formed and alliance as well. This alliance was known as the Warsaw Pact. -
The Berlin Wall
The Berlin Wall was built to prevent the east germans going into the west of Germany. This definately slowed down the daily immigration of east germans into west Germany. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
The Cuban Missile Crisis was a confrontation of rhe United States and the Soviet Union. This confrontation was due to the installation of Soviet Union missiles in Cuba in which highly concerned the United Sates. -
Ronald Regan Elected For President In The U.S
Ronald Regan was elected President of the United States. Soon he began to have "arms reduection talks" with the Soviet Union. -
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF)
The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty was established for elimination of certain types of misslies. Both the Soviet Union and United states agreed and ratified this Treaty. Soon both the Soviet Union and United Sates were showing improvement with eachother.