Berlin AIrcraft
The soveit Union blocked all allies, railways, roads and canal acesses -
Creation of Warsaw Pact
A communist expansion promoted the U.S.and 11 other western nations to form the the North Alantic Treaty -
Creation of NATO
The North Alantic Treaty Organization was the first peacetime millitary alliance -
The soviet unions first artifical satillite also the worlds frst satillite -
Construction of the Berlin wall
The communist of East Germans authority built a wall that circled West German -
Cuban Missile Crisis
Te soviet Union threated to shoot missles at the U.S. -
Moon Laning
THe fisrt man landed on the moon from the United States -
Destruction of Berlin Wall
The east german comunist party annouced all ciztens of the GDR could cross whenever they pleased and some of the citizens also destoryed the wall