Cold war

Cold War Timeline

  • Russian Commnist Revolution

    Russian Commnist Revolution
    The series of revolutions in which ended the tsarist autocracy (all power and wealth is controlled)and led to the creation of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. Bolshevik became leader, too. Stalin didn't agree with the socailist idea. America sent troops to Russia in an attempt to calm the chaos. Following this event, the two countries (America and Russia) became superpowers and the nuclear arms race began.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    A treaty for Germany to take blame/faults for damages of World War I. They underwent a major depression, which resulted in them turning to communism, hoping that it would help stabalize their economy. In the Cold War, a sector of Germany is under Soviet communistic rule/control.
  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    A group of nations that were to preserve a world peace. It was a very flawed system, and was very inaffective during WWII. This group was later known as the United Nations. The UN played a large part in the Cold War, one example being, during the Korean War when we wanted support in battle, we got it because of the UN.
  • MAD

    If one side of a war attacks the other side (that results in ultimate destruction) the other side will retaliate with the same exact force resulting in ultimate destruction of both sides. This would result in a loss on both sides. In the Cold War, we feared that it would come to this. Cuba has missles (nuclear) ready. We would retaliate if necessary.
  • General Assembly

    General Assembly
    It is a part of the United Nations. All members represent themselves equally and they discuss important world issues. A lot of the discussions and votings during the Cold War were turned down by the Soviet Union here.
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin met and discussed what and how to divide Europe after WWII. Later in the Cold War, we see that Stalin's terriorty (Soviet Union/USSR) spreads in Europe. We see satilites forming, which are the Soviet allies. (Eastern Bloc.)
  • United Nations

    United Nations
    Organization to promote international cooperation. The United Nations had difficulty preserving peace because of the Cold War. It was created following WWII to help prevent another conflict.
  • Nuremberg Trials

    Nuremberg Trials
    The trials were for the main leaders of the Nazis. This took place in Nuremberg. The Nazis were accused of war crimes as well as crimes against humanity. The outcome was that all the prisoners from all countries were released and soldiers were required to pay for property damages. Many of the accussed were sentenced to death. the remaining were sent to life in prison. These trials helped end the war.
  • Iron Curtain Speech

    Iron Curtain Speech
    The speech was given by the former British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill. In his speech, Churchill was outspoken about his disapproval toward the Soviets' policies in Europe. His speech is considered to be one of the first causes to start the Cold War.
  • Baruch Plan

    Baruch Plan
    The proposal by the American government to help prevent the use of harmful weapons and nuclear power. The Barcuch Plan wasn't agreed upon by the Soviets. Because the Soviets didn't agree with the plan and continued with their weapons, so did America. Both nations kept production for the arms race of the Cold War. Overall, the plan was a failure.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    We would support Greece and Turkey. Or any democratic nation that is threatened. Support would be in the form of political, military or economic. Stalin saw this as a containment type of threat and saw it also as a threat to communism.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    Us helps Europe gain economic stabillity. We help them rebuild after WWII. This is so these countries won't get desperate and trun to communism. Stalin also saw this as a threat to the spread of communism.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    During the Berlin blockade, we flew supplies to the deprived people of Berlin. Stalin took down his blockade because it was not effective.
  • NATO created

    NATO created
    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, is an international military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty. The countries part of this were: france, Denmark, Canada, Belgium, Iceland, Luxembourg, Norway, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, England, and America. It was against the Soviet Union and communism. It gave stability to the European nations. This organization caused the Soviets to be angry that they were being challenged.
  • Chinese Communist Revolution

    Chinese Communist Revolution
    The build up of the Chinese Communist Party's drive to power since its founding in 1921 and the second part of the Chinese Civil War. This period of time is also known as the War of Liberation. This revolution for communism created competition for Stalin becasue he wanted to be the official leader of all communism. Things got so tense to the point where there was a brief border war. China and America kept a better relationship with China than Russia.
  • Joseph McCarthy Speech

    Joseph McCarthy Speech
    This was a speech given by Joseph McCarthy in Wheeling, West Virginia that was about how there were communists working under the U.S. government. This later became an issue because communism was a significant concern in America already. The speech attracted a lot of press attention and interest in McCarthy.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    We got involved here to stop the spread of communism. It took place in Korea. Northern Korea tried spreading its communism to southern democratic Korea.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    It was a "mutual defense treaty" between the Soviet Union and her allies during the Cold War. The borders of the allies in Eastern Europe were known as the Iron Curtain. Another name for this group of countries was the Eastern Bloc.
  • Sputnik Launched

    Sputnik Launched
    The launch of the Sputnik by the Soviets was a technical achievment and was very impressive to the world. Immediately following the launch, the U.S. started working on their own space program. This started the U.S.-U.S.S.R space race. From then on, America and the Soviets became competetive with one another.
  • Nuclear Deterrent

    Nuclear Deterrent
    Policy made by America to forestall the enemy attack. It was also made to stop nuclear weapon use. This policy was created during the Cold War when the Soviets and America each built up a stockpile of nuclear weapons.
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion

    Bay of Pigs Invasion
    Cuba, whom was ruled by the dictator Castro, was a Soviet ally close to the U.S. We decided to invade and start a revolution, and it failed horribly.
  • Fidel Castro Proclaims Communist Cuba

    Fidel Castro Proclaims Communist Cuba
    Fidel Castro became the leader of Cuba and put it under communist rule. This posed a threat to the national security interests of America. This soon leads to the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Bay of Pigs. The Soviets and Cuba were against America forces.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    This wall cut of Western Berlin from Eastern Germany. It was a real life symbol of the Iron Cutrain. The Iron Curtain divided East and West Europe during the Cold War. (West was the allies, and East was the Eastern Bloc.)
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    This was a confrontation between America on one side and the Soviet Union and Cuba on the other. It ended with an agreement that said the Soviet Union and America would never invade Cuba again without direct provocation. This crisis was the moment in the Cold War in which it came closest to turning into a nuclear conflict and is also the first documented instance of mutual assured destruction being discussed as a determining factor in major international arms agreement.
  • Sending Troops to Vietnam

    Sending Troops to Vietnam
    During the Cold War, we tried protecting Sourth Vietname from North Vietnam. Northern Vietnam was attempting to spread communism to their southern counterpart.
  • Non-Proliferation Agreement

    Non-Proliferation Agreement
    International treaty whose objective is to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons technology, to promote cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, to further the goal of achieving nuclear disarment, and general complete disarment. This treaty was mainly towards the Cold War arms race.
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    The spaceflight that landed the first humans to the moon. By the U.S. beating the Soviets, this mission made the U.S. the winner in the space race. The rivalry got stronger between the two.
  • Kent State Shootings

    Kent State Shootings
    This occurred at Kent Sate University in Kent, Ohio. The shooting was by the Ohio National Guard and killed four students and wounded nine others, who later suffered from permanent paralysis from the shootings. The victims had been protesting against Cambodian Campaign. The other victims were just specatators. This caused an outbreak of strikes and protests nationwide. Becasue of the shooting, the Vietnam War ended faster.

    This was an earlier policy to control arms. During the Cold War, we used this to lessen the amount of arms being produced. Specifically in SALT II; nuclear arms.
  • Fall of Saigon

    Fall of Saigon
    The capturing of Saigon, South Vietnam by the People's Army of Vietnam and the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam (Viet Cong). During the capturing of Saigon, the U.S. went here to evacuate any remainning Americans and loyal South Vietamese. By the time Saigon fell, about 675,000 refugees were taken back to the states. This was the end of the Vietnam War.
  • Pope John Paul

    Pope John Paul
    He campaigned freedom in communistic countries. He helped with the fall of Societ allies, Soviet Russia, and the communism that was contained within them.
  • Margaret Thatcher

    Margaret Thatcher
    She was the prime miniser of the UK and the leader of the Conservative Party. She created policies that are known as, "Thatcherism", Her political and economic policies emphasized the removal of regulations, flexible labor markets, the privistation of state-owned companies, and reducing the power and influence of trade unions. She was able to get Reagan and Gorbavech to sign on her Arms Limitation Treaty, which eneded the arms race.
  • Soviets invade Afghistan

    Soviets invade Afghistan
    Fought between Afghanistan rebels called the Mujahideen and the Soviet supported Afghnistan government. The U.S. supported the rebels in order to try and overthrow the communist government and to prevent the spread of communism. The war ended after Gorbavech signed a peace treaty. The caused the U.S. and the Soviets to have more tension amongst each other.
  • Deng Xiaoping

    Deng Xiaoping
    He was a politician and reformist leader of the People's Republic of China who, after Mao's death led his country towards a market economy. He allowed China free enterprise. By Deng making China a less communist nation, the end of the Cold War quickened.
  • Berlin Wall Falls

    Berlin Wall Falls
    The wall was eventually breechable. Gorbacev was greatly embarassed. They demolished the wall and there was freedom again. This was again a step to the end of the Cold War.
  • Lech Walesa

    Lech Walesa
    He also helped end the Cold War. He spread ideas of peace through out the Soviet allied countries and in Soviet Russia itself.

    This was another policy to diminish the amount of arms being produces. During the end of the Cold War, this prevented the deployment of "6,000 nuclear war heads, and 1,00 ICBMs, ballistic middles, and bombers."