Cold War timeline

By Jontea
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    The attack on Pearl Harbor by the Empire of Japan
  • U.S strikes back

    U.S strikes back
    U.S. drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima
  • End Of WWll

    End Of WWll
    Japan surrenders
  • NATO

    North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) established.
  • First atomic bomb

    First atomic bomb
    Soviet Union explodes its first atomic bomb.
  • Fight in Korean war

    Fight in Korean war
    U.S. and other U.N. members fight North Korean forces
  • End of the Korean war

    End of the Korean war
    Korean War ends
  • first satellite

    first satellite
    Soviets launch first man‑made satellite.
  • JFK

    JFK becomes president
  • JFK assacinated

    JFK assacinated
    In Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas, Kennedy was fatally shot by a sniper
  • Chinas bomb

    Chinas bomb
    China explodes its first atomic bomb.
  • Working together

    Working together
    U.S. and China establish diplomatic relations.
  • Invasion

    U.S. invades Grenada.
  • Afghanistan

    The last Soviet troops left Afghanistan
  • Its Over

    Its Over
    The Soviet Union is abolished. Russia formally recognised the end of the Soviet Union