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Cold War Timeline

  • The Marshall Plan

    The Marshall Plan
    The marshall plan was created to help western europe. The US would provide resources to help them rebuild after world war 2
  • The Truman Doctrine

    The Truman Doctrine
    Created by US President Harry Truman. Promised assistance from the US to any European nation threatened by Communism
  • The Berlin Blockade

    The Berlin Blockade
    Eastern Berlin controlled by soviet forces blocked off roads and railways giving resources to west berlin. In response, the west used planes to bring resources.
  • The Creation of NATO

    The Creation of NATO
    In 1949 NATO was established. It promised each nation help from others in it if an attack from the soviet union were to occur
  • Warsaw Pack Created

    Warsaw Pack Created
    The warsaw pact was created by the Soviet union in response to NATO. It promised each nation in the pact assistance from other nations in the pact.
  • The Launch of Sputnik

    The Launch of Sputnik
    The soviet satellite sputnik is launched into space. This increased tensions between the US and the arms race.
  • Creation of the Berlin Wall

    Creation of the Berlin Wall
    The berlin wall is created between eastern berlin and western berlin. The goal was to stop people defecting from the east to the west.
  • Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

    Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
    An agreement between the united states, and the soviet union. Banned the testing of nuclear bombs in the air, in space, and underwater.
  • Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty

    Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
    An agreement between the us and the soviet union. Agreed to limit the creation of missiles including nuclear weapons.
  • The End of the Cold War

    The End of the Cold War
    The cold war came to an end after the fall of the soviet union. things like the berlin wall were then taken down.