Cold War Timeline

  • Birth Of The Soviet Union

    Birth Of The Soviet Union
    The Soviet Union was born out of the Russian revolution. The union then became a brutal dictatorship
  • Cold War Began

    Cold War Began
    An intense competition for global power and influence that lasted more than 40 years. It ended in December of 1991
  • Germany Surrendered

    Germany Surrendered
    After the surrender, the Soviet Union occupied East Germany while American, British and French forces controlled West Germany.
  • Berlin Blackade

    Berlin Blackade
    Lastting until May 12th, 1948, Stalin ordered a blockade of Berlin, hoping to starve their allies out of the city
  • West Germany Is Free

    West Germany Is Free
    West Germany became an independent nation with a democratic governmen.
  • Vietnam War

    Lasting until April 30th, 1975, over 500,000 military men were in Vietnam fighting a full scale war
  • Bay Of Pigs Invasion

    Bay Of Pigs Invasion
    Lastin until April 19th, 1961, Cuban exiles landed on a Cuban beach in the Bay of Pigs. After their plans ended up failing, the invaders were killed and captured.
  • Berlin Wall Construction

    Berlin Wall Construction
    The Soviet Union tried to stop East Germans from fleeinng to West Berlin by putting up a wall between the two parts of the city
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Cuban Missle Crisis
    Lasting until October 28th, 1962, spy planes took photos of secret missile bases that could launch missiles that could reach the US. JFK ordered the US military to prepare for a Cuban invasion.
  • Communism Collapses

    Communism Collapses
    At this time, Poland elected a non-communist government . After one country after another started overthrowing their communist government.