Cold war tv series cnn

cold war timeline

  • yalta

    the three allied powers met in a meeting yalta confrence. made arangements for the postwar world order.
  • rosevelt dies

    rosevelt  dies
    rosevelt suddenly dies from a hemorrhage. then vice president Harry Truman takes his place.
  • United Nations Founded in San Francisco

    United Nations Founded in San Francisco
    united nations charter is adopted in san francisco. it is adopted in california by represenitives of 51 countrys.
  • first atomic bomb

    first atomic bomb
    they test the first atomic bomb. the testing of the atomic bomb was first tested in new mexico.
  • Nagasaki

    an american plane drops an atomic bombed named "fat man".
  • Ho Chi Minh Declares Independence

    Ho Chi Minh Declares Independence
    Vietnamese nationalist Ho Chi Minh declares Vietnam's independence. declared that "all men are equal".
  • Hiroshima

    american bomber named enola gay drops atomic bomb. the bombs nickname is "little boy".
  • MacArthur Commands

    MacArthur Commands
    general duglas mcArthur is a supreme copmmander. then the country adopts a new democratic constitution.
  • German Zones Merge

    German Zones Merge
    The United States and Great Britain agree to put together their respective German zones of occupation.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    a speech that was made in harverd university someone named marshall proposed the marshall plan. $13 billion foreign aid package that was to help europe get back on their feet.