The Truman Doctorine
Truman used the his cold war policy, Containment, to form another policy. The doctorine encouraged countries to resist communisms' spread. The Marshall plan was an plan to aid European nations. This aid lead to the creation of the United Nations. -
Berlin Blockade
The Soviet Union cut off the Western Allies by blocking off all the roads, railway lanes, and raiver routes to East Berlin under communist control. This blockade lead to the building of the Berlin Wall. -
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is a military alliance between the U.S. and many Western Eurpoean countires. This alliance's goal was to defend the West Eurpoean counrties from the communist threat -
Senator Joseph McCarthy
A communism scare in the early 1950s lead to the arrest of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg for sharing atomic secrets with the Soviets. Senator Joseph MacCarthy claimed to have a list of 205 communist party members in the State Department. He was censured for accusing the United States Army of working with communists. -
Korean War
The 38th paralleel was the dividing line between North Korea and South Korea. In June the communists of the North invaded the South, the UN responded by aiding the South.When the UN forces were outnumbered by Soviet addisions to North Korea's troops, MacArthur launched a attack at Inchon that lead to a deadlock and in a 1951 there was talk of an armistance. The armistance helped create a new border surrounded by a demilitarized zone close the 38th parallel. -
The Vietnam War Begins
The longest and most unpopular war in American history, the US got involved slowly. North Vietnam was communist, South was not the US supported the South. The draft was when the US made a mandatory enlistment in the mlitary. The Gulf of the Tonkin Resolution allowd the president to repel armed attack after an American ship was torpedod. As the war became less popular,Vietcong was a group of guerrelas that opposed Ngo Dinh Diem, the South's leader. Ho Chi Minh leads the North. -
Warsaw Pact
The Soviet Union created another military alliance known as the Warsaw Pact. The Soviets dominated by forcing their allies to follow it's policies. The countries who signed included Albania, Poland, Romania, Hungary, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, and of course the Soviet Union. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
The Cuban Missile Crisis accured after the Bay of the Pigs Invasion while the US urged Cuba to overthrow Fidel Castro. Russia was giving cuba weapons and in October John F. Kennedy learned that Russia was builiding bases on the island.The superpowers were at a standstil, America wouldn't more more ship to finish the bases and Russia sent another ship. Eventually the soviets turned back and Khrushchev agreed to remove the missiles from cuba. NASA was started to beat the Soviets into space. -
The Tet Offensive
Surprise attacks on South Vietnam by the Viet Cong. They bombed more than 100 cities in South Vietnam. The attacks took place during Tet, the Vietnamese New Year's holiday.This was the beginnning of the United States loosing the Vietnam War. -
Salt Agreement
The Statigic Arms Limitation Treaty Agreement was signed in Moscow by President Nixon and Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev. This agreement -
Mikhail Gorbachev created this policy of opennesss in the Soviet Union government institutions and actions. -
Communism Collapses
Ronald Reagan was president during communism's collapse, he started STAR WARS the defense program. Because Russia was no longer a superpower the Union of Soviet Republics ended after the collapse.the Policy of Detente was part of Nixon's efforts to reduce tensions between the superpoweres.