Cold war timeline

By collinB
  • The Truman Doctrine is established

    The Truman Doctrine is established
    President Truman established the Truman Doctrine so the United States would give political, military, and economic help to all democratic nations that are threatened
  • The Marshall Plan is introduced

    The Marshall Plan is introduced
    President Truman signed the "Economic Recovery Act of 1948" which was later known as the Marshall Plan. And this was a U.S. program for helping Western Europe after World War II.
  • The Berlin Airlift

    The Berlin Airlift
    This was caused by the Soviet forces blocking rail, roads, and water access to Aillied Controlled area in Berlin. And this cause the United States and United Kindom to airlift food and fuel to Berlin from airbases in western Germany.
  • Formation of NATO

    Formation of NATO
    Nato is short for the "North Atlantic Treaty Organization and was created by the United States, Canada, and multiple other Western European nations to give assurance against the Soviet Union.
  • Start of the Korean War

    Start of the Korean War
    The Korean War, like many wars in history, did not take place in a vacuum. It broke out because the North Koreans attacked South Korea with confidence that they could win the war and communize the entire Korean peninsula. The start of the Korean War was caused by the belief of North Korea thinking they could win the war and communize the entire Korean peninsula.
  • End of the Korean War

    End of the Korean War
    The end of the Korean war was done by an Armistice. This stated that Korea would stay a divided country and end the war. This was signed by North and South Korea, The People's Republic of China, and Officials from the United States.
  • Formation of the Warsaw Pact

    Formation of the Warsaw Pact
    The formation of the Warsaw Pact was a type of response to the creation of NATO, even tho it did not happen until six years after the Western alliance came into the picture.
  • The Eisenhower Doctrine is established

    The Eisenhower Doctrine is established
    President Eisenhower made the "Eisenhower Doctrine" so a Middle Eastern country could ask America for economic help or assistance from the U.S. military forces if threatened
  • Sputnik launched into orbit

    Sputnik launched into orbit
    The Soviet Union said they put a satellite called Sputnik into orbit around Earth. Starting the Space age.
  • U-2 Incident

    U-2 Incident
    This was when an American U-2 spy plane was shot down over a Soviet airspace.