Cold War Timeline

  • Start of Berlin Blockade

    Start of Berlin Blockade
    Soviet forces blockaded access to Allies in Berlin, making it difficult for Western forces to access and give out resources.
  • Creation of Nato

    A Military establishment between European and North American countries, which was a angry response from the US to the Berlin Blockade.
  • First Atomic Bomb drop by the USSR

    Huge significance, as it showed the US that Soviet Russia was catching up, possibly even ahead of them in the Weapons Race.
  • Launch of the Sputnik

    Huge step for the USSR, put them ahead of the US in terms of their "Space" Goals, major bragging rights included.
  • Start of the Cuban Missile Crisis

    Start of the Cuban Missile Crisis
    One of the scariest events in History marked a Stalemate between the Superpowers, as people questioned who would strike first.
  • Start of the Six day War

    Fought between Israel, Jordan, Syria and Egypt as a result of rising tension.
  • USSR invasions of Czechoslovakia

    USSR invasions of Czechoslovakia
    Hit in the face for the US, showed that the USSR was working on making themselves even stronger, which the US couldn't accept.
  • Star of Yom Kippur War

    Further increased tensions from the Six Day War and made the USSR and the US choose sides.
  • Geneva Summit

    Geneva Summit
    Gorbachev and Reagen meet, started the process of ending the Cold War, regarded as most significant event.
  • INF Treaty Signed

    Very Significant, marked a huge agreement between the USSR and the US, and put the Superpowers in check.