Cold War Timeline

  • UN was created

    UN started US International Organization to prevent wars
  • Germany was divided

    Allies with Germany into 4 zones. US, Britain, France, USSR
  • US dropped bombs

    US dropped 2 atomic bombs on Japan, beginning Nuclear Age
  • Stalin opened

    Declared the incompatibility of communism and capitalism triggering the cold war
  • The term "Iron Curtain"

    Churchill coined the term "Iron Curtain" to boundary seperating communist Eastern Europe from capitalist Western Europe.
  • Trueman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine was a US Policy of giving an economic an military aid to free nations
  • George Marshal

    Announced by Secretary of state. Designed to feed starving Europeans and help them rebuild
  • Congress approoved

    They approoved of the 12.5 billion plan only after communists took over Czechoslovakia
  • The Western Allies

    Planned to begin circlation of a new currancy in the zones of Germany.
  • Begin Berlin Airlift

    Begin Berlin Airlift
    Western Allies begin the Berlin Airlift, massive operation flying food and supplies.
  • US joined with 10 Western European Nations

    Canada forms (NATO), a defensive military alliance
  • USSR begin using spies

    Spies propanganda diplomacy, secret operations
  • USSR admitted defeat

    By lifting the blockade. The Cold War expanded and dictated all aspects of US and Soviet foreign policy
  • US developed H-Bomb

    US developed H-Bomb
  • USSR debeloped H-Bomb

    USSR developed H-Bomb
  • West Germany was admitted to NATO

    Ressurecting Soviet Fears of Strong Germany
  • USSR formed own alliance

    Formed own alliance. It was called Warsaw Pact
  • Soviets developed an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile

    (ICBM) Which was capable of hitting the US. (ICBM) means (Intercontinental Ballistic Missile)
  • Soviets used ICBM to launch the first satellite

    They launched the first satellite into space. The first satellite was called SPUTNIC
  • US launched it's first satellite

    Us launched it's first satellite
  • US spy plane

    US spy plane
    US spy plane (CIA U-2 Plane piloted by Francis Gary Powers) was shot down over USSR, Powers spent 2 years in Soviet Prison for Espionage
  • Soviets erected the Berlin Wall

    They erected the Berlin Wall to seperate communist East Berlin from Capitalist West Berlin. Soviets closed the border between the 2 Germans to prevent " Brain Drain"