cold war timeline

  • Period: to

    berlin airlift

    western allie tried to carry supplies to the people of west berlin
  • creation of NATO

    creation of NATO
    U.S. and 11 other western nations to form North Atlantic Treaty Org.
  • creation of warsaw pact

    creation of warsaw pact
    soviet union and its affiliated communist nations made rival alliance
  • Period: to

    korean war

    was between north and south korea. north invaded south following clashes along the border
  • Period: to

    vietnam war

    the fight to pick what type of gov. japan would have
  • sputnik

    soviet union sent a satellite to space
  • construction of berlin wall

    construction of berlin wall
    wall that would encircle west berlin as thousands of east germans fled to democratic west
  • cuban missile crisis

    cuban missile crisis
    the soviet union installed nuclear missile in cuba, 90 miles away from the U.S.
  • moon landing

    moon landing
    first arrival of spacecraft on the moon
  • destruction of berlin wall

    destruction of berlin wall
    was used to separate the democracy side from the communist side