
cold war timeline

  • berlin blockade and airlift

    berlin blockade and airlift
    the berlin blockade was one of the first major international crisis of the cold war. the soviets blocked off all western allies from berlin
  • korean war

    korean war
    the korean war was between north and south korea. the united states of america sent out troops to help defend north korea.
  • space race

    space race
    the space race was 20th century competition two cold war rivals the soviet union and the united states of america
  • u-2 recon plane

    u-2 recon plane
    on may 1st 1960 a u-2 recon plane was shot down in a soviet airspace. the plane was piloted by central intelligence agency francis gary powers
  • bay of pigs

    bay of pigs
    the bay of pigs invasion known in latin america as invasion de la playa giron. was a failed millitary invasion of cuba undertaken by CIA
  • reagan visits the berlin wall

    reagan visits the berlin wall
    this is when reagan visited the wall and it sohows how commited he was to help west berlin
  • cuban missile crisis

    cuban missile crisis
    the cuban missile crisis also know as the october crissis the missile scare or the caribbean crisis was a thirteen day confrontation the us and the soviet union over soviet missle deployed in cuba
  • strategic arms limitation talks

    strategic arms limitation talks
    this was one of the first steps to slow down the arms race between the soviet union and the united states of america
  • soviet invades afghanistan

    soviet invades afghanistan
    the soviet afghan war lasted over nine years from december 1979 to february 1989 it was part of the cold war
  • reunited germany

    reunited germany
    the german reunifacation was the prosses in 1990 in which the german democratic republic joined the federal republic and made berlin into one city