
Cold War Timeline

By ColbyHi
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    President Truman made a promise to help any country that was under attack or threatened by a communist takeover.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    It was an economic plan that was used to give foreign aid to European countries that were affected by World War 2. Stalin and the Communist Bloc rejected this plan and the aid
  • Cominform

    The Soviet Union set up the Communist Information Bureau.
  • Czech Coup

    Czech Coup
    Communist take over the country of Czechoslovakia in 1948
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    Allies bring food and supplies to West Berlin
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    The Soviets blocked all access to the city of West Berlin from the allies.
  • NATO

    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was formed with the United States and many western European countries.
  • End of Berlin blockade

    End of Berlin blockade
    The Soviet Union ended the blockade from Berlin
  • Formation of West Germany

    Formation of West Germany
    The French, United Kingdom, and the United States combine their parts of Germany into West Germany
  • Hyrdrogen Bomb

    Hyrdrogen Bomb
    Truman ordered the development of the hydrogen bomb
  • Soviet friendship with China

    Soviet friendship with China
    The Soviets and China sign a 30-year treaty of friendship
  • Korean War begins

    Korean War begins
    The United States intervenes in Korea after the North Koreans attack the South in the name of democracy
  • McCarther wanting to use atomic bombs

    McCarther wanting to use atomic bombs
    General McCarther wanted to use atomic bombs in the Korean War
  • Rosenberg Trial

    Rosenberg Trial
    The Rosenberg's are found guilty for treason by giving nuclear secrets to the Soviets
  • Douglas McCarthur is relieved of duty

    Douglas McCarthur is relieved of duty
    He is no longer needed in his command in the Korean War.
  • Atomic Uk

    Atomic Uk
    Winston Churchill announced that the United Kingdom has a nuclear bomb
  • New leader in Hungary

    New leader in Hungary
    Matyas Rakosi becomes prime minister of Hungary.
  • Rudolf Slanksy is executed

    Rudolf Slanksy is executed
    Rudolf Slansky is executed in Czechoslovakia for Titoism.
  • Josip Tito

    Josip Tito
    Josip Tito is elected President of Yugoslavia
  • Death of Joseph Stalin

    Death of Joseph Stalin
    The leader of the Soviet Union dies at the age of 74
  • Korean war ends

    Korean war ends
    The Korean war ends and both sides are still affiliated with their own sides.
  • Hydrogen bomb testing

    Hydrogen bomb testing
    The United States tests a hydrogen bomb in the Marshall Islands.
  • France leaves

    France leaves
    France agrees to leave North Vietnam.
  • Mao Zedong

    Mao Zedong
    Mao Zedong becomes chairman and Zhou Enlai becomes prime minister of China.
  • Vietnam Civil war

    Vietnam Civil war
    Civil War breaks out in South Vietnam between supporters of Ngo Dinh Diem and Bo Dai.
  • Chinease Conscription

    Chinease Conscription
    Conscription is introduced in China.
  • Relationship restored in west Germany

    Relationship restored in west Germany
    Diplomatic relations restored between West Germany and the Soviet Union.
  • Denouncing former leaders in the Soviet Union

    Denouncing former leaders in the Soviet Union
    Nikita Khrushchev denounces former leader Joseph Stalin.
  • Politcal protests

    Politcal protests
    74 people are killed during political protests in Poland.
  • Suez canal crisis

    Suez canal crisis
    The Soviet Union threatens to intervene in the war over the Suez Canal.
  • Isreali forces withdraw

    Isreali forces withdraw
    Israeli forces withdraw from the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt.
  • Aid resumes

    Aid resumes
    President Dwight Eisenhower resumes aid to Israel.
  • Soviets stop testing

    Soviets stop testing
    The Soviet Union appeals to the United States and Britain to cease nuclear testing
  • New Prime minister in the Soviet Union

    New Prime minister in the Soviet Union
    Nikita Khrushchev replaces Nikolai Bulganin as prime minister of the Soviet Union.
  • Mao meets the Soviet Union

    Mao meets the Soviet Union
    Nikita Khrushchev meets Mao Zedong in China and calls for an end of all nuclear testing.
  • Soviets demand troops to withdraw

    Soviets demand troops to withdraw
    The Soviet Union demands that all foreign troops should be withdrawn from Berlin.
  • Fidel takes control

    Fidel takes control
    Fidel Castro and his victorious troops enter Havana.
  • UN votes against China joining

    UN votes against China joining
    Member states vote again against the admission of China to the United Nations.
  • The UN does not inteverne

    The UN does not inteverne
    The United Nations decided not to intervene in the independence struggle in Algeria.
  • U-2 planes

    U-2 planes
    American U-2 spy plane shot over the Soviet Union.
  • New leader of Soviet Union

    New leader of Soviet Union
    Leonid Brezhnev becomes president of the Soviet Union.
  • US ends aid

    US ends aid
    The United States ends all aid to Cuba.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba.
  • US supports south Vietnam

    US supports south Vietnam
    The United States promises to support South Vietnam against communist aggression.
  • China is denied again

    China is denied again
    The United Nations rejects a proposal by the Soviet Union to admit China.