Mutually Assured Destruction - nuclear warfare which both countries' populations would be wiped out. Neither country wins from scenario. GASPIRE: Art - Lead to deadlier designs and strategies/planning from countries on either side. Race to intimidate other with advancements. Proved Soviets were unable to manufacture a nuclear war weapon - proved no safe way to test nuclear warfare http://www.gostrategic.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/mutuallyassureddestruction.jpg -
Yalta Conference
Leaders of the US, Britain, and Soviet Union met at Soviet Black Sea Resort of Yalta - agreed to divide Germany into zones of occupation controlled by Allied military forces. GASPIRE: Social - Verbal exchange between nations leaders allowed short lived peace United Nations was formed https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/19/Yalta_Conference_1945_Churchill%2C_Stalin%2C_Roosevelt.jpg -
Roosevelt's Death
One of the key partners in the Yalta Conference. Roosevelt's successor, Harry S. Truman took over presidential power. Proved to be difficult to cooperate and negotiate with alongside Stalin and Churchill. GASPIRE: Political - Truman was pushed into the new presidency with only a few years experience Truman forced Germany's surrender and dropped atomic bombs in Japan http://www.history.com/s3static/video-thumbnails/AETN-History_VMS/21/145/History_FDR_and_TVA_rev_SF_HD_1104x622-16x9.jpg -
The entire world witnesses the US dropping the first atomic bomb ever used in Hiroshima, Japan. 80,000+ people were killed on impact and thousands more soon after due to injuries and radiation GASPIRE: Intellect - US constructed and used one of their first Atomic bombs, first only used as intimidation in M.A.D. Resulted in Japans surrender of WWII (8/15/1945) http://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/books/2015-08/04aug/Hiroshima1_3376066a-large.jpg -
Truman Doctrine
President Truman (US) fights the communist influence in Greece and Turkey with $400 million from congress. Attempts to isolate Communism were successful.
GASPIRE: Religion - Believers in Communism were adamant on spreading their beliefs to the rest of Europe.
Prevented more countries from falling victim to Germany's powers. http://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.ChmqHwhzxa4xOUn-jX-vewDYEg&pid=15.1 -
Marshall Plan
Formed by George Marshall (United States). Wanted to assist in reparation of Europe following WWII (financial/population health aid) GASPIRE: Social - Interactions between nations debating consequences and benefits of allying and damages from Germany's powers. Soviet Union responded with Comecon - advancing the Cold War http://marshallfoundation.org/marshall/wp-content/uploads/sites/22/2013/12/marshall_plan_signing.jpg -
Berlin Blockade
Soviets blocked all land and water access to West Berlin (Germany) in retaliation from US's aid. 2.3 million tons of US supplies were sent to help the affected until Berlin was reopened. GASPIRE: Economic - USSR spent $25 million to construct Berlin wall; $200 million with inflation. Dented economy with heavy loss of wealth Displayed the upfront battle between US & USSR http://jpcmoderndemocraticmovements.weebly.com/uploads/2/4/8/0/24801125/2602755_orig.jpg -
Creation of NATO
North Atlantic Treaty Organization 10 western European nations join the US & Canada to form a defensive military alliance. If any NATO member was attacked, all NATO members would retaliate with armed forces to prevent any further attack. GASPIRE: Geographic - Countries vowed to protect and support eachother, leaving was viewed as a disloyal act. Soviet Union saw NATO as a threat, created their own alliance in retaliation http://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.sxg5fZWUPocjkveQO15zbQEsBf&pid=15.1 -
Korean War
UN forces led by US aided South Korea. Communist China and the USSR gave aid, military support, and weapons to North Korea. GASPIRE: Social - Rivalry between US/South Korea and China, USSR, and North Korea. Back and forth between the North and South until the war ended in a stalemate - border between was reestablished. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/ca/Korean_War_Montage_2.png -
Warsaw Pact
Consisted of: Soviet Union, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and Albania. Built Berlin Wall (1961) to symbolize a divided world with rival alliances. GASPIRE: Geographic - Countries banding together to prevent the adjacent from attacking or gaining more power/land. In retaliation to NATO, the Soviets created their own alliance. In competition with US to create the deadliest bomb http://www.easternorbat.com/assets/images/Warsaw_Pact_Frontal_Aviation_map_01A.jpg -
Space Race
Sputnik, The Soviets first unmanned satellite entered the atmosphere. Americans felt that they had fallen behind in their advancements in science and technology. GASPIRE: Intellect - Rivalry between two(+) nations to have the most advancements in the science and technology field. In 1958, the United States launched it's own satellite into the atmosphere alongside Sputnik. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_276Op0yecY8/TULZ3zMnJKI/AAAAAAAAAO8/Zc8OGX4BBqU/s1600/Sputnik-1c.jpg -
Cuban Revolution
Fidel Castro led revolution and rebellion in Cuba against current leader F. Batista. Castro became new leader (dictator), he suspended future elections, tightly controlled the press, & jailed/executed anyone who challenged him GASPIRE: Political - Fight and rebellion for a new leader/president of Cuba "backfires" Castro made Cuba a pawn in Cold War, blockades were placed around country to prevent Communism http://vanderbilthistoricalreview.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/cuban-revolution-6.jpg -
USSR v. US Olympic Games
US dominated USSR in Basketball until USSR beat the states in the Gold-Round Final by one point. Soviets were also considered the best hockey team, until the unprepared US team defeated them 4-3 in a semifinal game. (Winning gold) GASPIRE: Social - "Interactions" between countries caused a unpredictable global upset Rivalry intensified, hostility between countries created difficulty https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/d7/aa/a1/d7aaa1a8eb34c37d84b2083be50ccccc.jpg -
Russia v. US - Today's Tension
Intell. Officials of the US say hundreds of Russian spies work inUS borders today in attempt to steal our secrets. Big tech advantages drastically change the ways spies operate
Political - Rivalry between 2 countries economic, political, and military standings & a fight to uncover their secrets
"More than two decades after the end of the Cold War, Russian spies still seek to operate in our midst under the cover of secrecy" (Preet Bharara)