The Big Three (United States, Britain, Soviet Union) met at Yalta to discuss the remaining wartime actions and future for postwar europe. Churchill, Truman, Stalin were deciding how to split Europe. -
The potsdam conference was held in Potsdam, Germany to discuss the peace treaties between the three aliies (USA, Britain, Soviet Union) -
Hiroshima Bombing
The United states Responded to the bombing of Pearl Harbour by bombing the Japenenese City, Hiroshima. it was the first time an atomic bomb was used during conflict -
Truman Doctrine
The Truman Indoctrine implied that president Truman was going to try and contain the spread of communism and would provide economic aid and military aid -
Molotov Plan
The Molotov plan was the sytem created by the Soviet Union which provided aid for eastern european countries that were aligned with the Soviet Union -
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Marshall Plan
The Marshal plan was the system created by the Americans to help aid western European countries, the Americans aided them by sending them 13 billion dollars -
Brussels Treaty
The Treaty of Brussels was signed to help provide a mutual defence clause and helped form their military ,economic, social, and cultural cooperation -
Belin Blockade
The Berlin Blockade was an attempt to block of the United States, Great Britain and France to travel to their sections of Berlin by the soviet union, the british resolved this by doing an airlift and flying in supplies to Berliners -
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is a military alliance between 28 countries spread across Europe, North America, and Asia. -
Soviet union creation of Nuclear weapons
On August 29th, 1949, the Soviet Union conducted its first nuclear weapon test coded 'RDS-1' in Atomgrad -
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Korean War
The Korean war was a proxy war and was overseen by the Svoiet union who was on North Korea's side and America being on South Korea's side -
Death of Stalin
Stalin died at the age of 74 after having a stroke -
Castro taking over
Fidel Castro led the Cuban Revolution and overthrew the Former prime minister Batista and led a communist regime in Cuba -
Warsaw Pact
The Warsaw pact was the soviets response to NATO and it was an alliance between the soviets and the soviet states including Hungary, East Germany, and Poland -
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Vietnam War
The Americans went to war against Vietnam in fear of the domino affect (didn't want communism to spread to other countries) -
Suez Crisis
The Suez Crisis was a war between Egypt and the Soviet Union and it was for the control of the suez canal which was an important water canal, Egypt came out victorious -
NORAD is the American and Canadian bi-national organization in charge on aviation and space defence -
The Dewline was an early defence system that would warn the Americans about a potential nuclear attack -
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Hungarian Revolution
The Hungarian Revolution was when Hungarian protesters took a stand against the Soviet Union and wanted a more democratic society, the Soviet Union silenced them -
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Bay of pigs
The Bay Of Pigs invasion was Americas response to Cuba becoming a communist soiciety as they didnt want communism to grow in their backyard. It was a humilating American defeat -
Creation of Berlin Wall
The Berlin wall was created to keep the East Berliners away from West Berlin, It seperated a communist society from a capitalist society. -
End of cuban missle crisis
The Soviet Union moved nuclear weapons to Cuba in response to America having nuclear weapons in turkey -
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Soviet/Afghanistan war
The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in order to re-establish its communist desires -
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Solidarity in Poland
Solidarity in Poland was significant because Poland was the first indepentant state from the former Soviet-bloc Countries and it contributed to the fall of communism -
Berlin wall falling
The Berlin wall falling was significant because it allowed familys to be reunited and the soviet union was losing its control -
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Czechoslovakia revolution
The Czechhoslovakia Revolution was important because they resigned from commuinsim and they leaned towards a more democratic society and held free elections and economic reform -
End of the Cold War
The end of the cold war was signaled when the Soviet Union collapsed and Russia was reformed