Cold War/Civil Rights Timeline

  • Marshall Plan

    This was a plan to give $12 billion to European countries. This was significant because it was a very deliberate effort to try and stop the spread of communism.
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    Berlin Blockade

    The USSR blocked off West Berlin so the allies couldn't support it. This was significant because the soviets were trying to take over Germany. This was also the first clash of the Cold War.
  • NATO

    This was an alliance between European and American countries to fend off communism. This was significant because it was an alliance against the USSR.
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    Senator McCarthy accused random people of being communists. This was a witch hunt that was used to get people fired. This was only successful because of a huge fear of communism.
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    Korean War

    The North Korean's backed by China and the USSR were fighting South Korea. South Korea was backed by the US ad the UN. This was the first military conflict of the Cold War. Neither side won, and there is still conflict in Korea today.
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    Dien Bien Phu

    This was a battle between French soldiers and Viet Minh. This led to Vietnam becoming independent.
  • Brown v Board of Education.

    This was a supreme court trial about black students not being allowed to white schools. In the 1890's Plessy v Ferguson said that segregated schools must be equal, but that didn't happen. This unanimously opposed segregated schools, and deemed segregated schools unconstitutional.
  • Geneva Peace Accords

    This was primarily a peace treaty between France and the democratic republic of Vietnam. The US didn't sign the treaty because they disagreed with the treaty. This treaty led to the Vietnam war.
  • Daugters of Bilitis

    This was the first lesbian political group. They started writing books which was the first book published by lesbians.(Dates not listed)
  • Emmett Till is murdered

    Emmett Till was visiting relatives in Mississippi, and flirted with a white woman. Several days later the woman's husband tortured and then murdered Emmett. This was published and caused outrage across the nation about racist killings.
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    Montgomery bus boycotts

    Rosa Parks was arrested for not moving to the back of the bus when a white person got on the bus. Black people refused to ride the bus until the could sit in the front of the bus. Finally after a year the buses desegregated. This was one of many successful peaceful protests that happened during the civil rights movement.
  • Little Rock Nine

    9 black students enrolled in an all white high school. On the first day of school the Governor sent the Arkansas national guard to stop the 9 students from entering the school. This was ruled unconstitutional by the supreme court. After that segregated schools were all forced to desegregate.
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    Greensboro sit in

    Students sat in restaurants to stop other people from going there. These protesters were attacked for not moving, but they kept doing sit ins. Greensboro desegregated their public spaces because of these protests.
  • JFK gets elected

  • Bay of pigs

    US invaded Cuba to try and overthrow Castro. This caused an increase of tension between US and Cuba
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    Freedom Rides

    Civil rights activists wanted to go into segregated interstate bathrooms, waiting areas, etc. This was because it was unconstitutional for these things to be segregated. When they got to Alabama they were violently mobbed, and arrested. This spread awareness of their cause across the nation.
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    Berlin wall

    A barrier built by East Berlin to keep the two sides separate.
  • 24th amendment

    This amendment outlawed poll taxes. This made it easier for poor people to vote. This also helped desegregate voting in the South.
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    Cuban missile crisis

    A US surveillance plane found missiles in Cuba. These missiles were USSR missiles. This was the closest to the US that the USSR got.
  • Feminine mystique

    A book published by a feminist that talked about how women were not happy with their role in post WWII America. This was a huge part of the second women's movement.
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    Birmingham demonstrations

    Martin Luther King Jr. led a peaceful protest, but they were arrested. They marched again, but this time high pressure hoses were used to break up the march. This led to the desegregation of bathrooms and restaurants in Birmingham. This also led to violent reactions from white supremacists in the south.
  • Equal pay act

    Was intended to remove the unequal pay on the basis of sex.This wasn't very successful.
  • March on Washington

    A massive protest march of 250,000 people. This took place near the Lincoln memorial where Martin Luther King Jr. gave his I have a dream speech. It gained the attention of the government to the scale of people who were willing to march for their rights.
  • JFK gets assassinated

  • Freedom Summer

    An attempt to stop voting intimidation, and get more black people to vote. There were murders, beatings and arrests to the people in the freedom groups. This got international attention to their cause. This also put pressure on LBJ to do something.
  • Civil rights act of 1964

    This outlawed discrimination in schools, work, and politics. After this more people could get jobs that they wanted.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Resolved the issue of 2 US ships being shot in the Gulf of Tonkin. This gave Lyndon Johnson the ability to take all means necessary to repel enemy attacks.
  • March on Selma

    King was leading a march of 600 people from Selma to Montgomery. They were brutally attacked by Alabama state troops and forced back to Selma. This was televised, and this raised great awareness to their cause. This led to the ban of the literacy poll test.
  • Voting rights act 1965

    This act was signed by LBJ to enforce the 15th amendment rights for everyone to be allowed to vote. This banned poll taxes and literacy tests for national elections.
  • Black Panthers

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    Tet offensive

    Campaign launched by the north Vietnamese, and was the longest offensive of the Vietnam war. Took place in South Vietnam.
  • Mai Lai

    US soldiers shot and killed about 500 innocent people. This caused an international outrage, and demoralized US troops.
  • MLK assassination

  • Cambodia is bombed

    Nixon thinks that Cambodia should be bombed because North Vietnamese troops were coming through. This caused outrage and protests in the US.
  • Pentagon Papers

    Documents that focused on US actions with Vietnam since 1945. This was a secret paper.
  • Stonewall riots

    A gay bar/club was raided by police officers in NYC. This led to a week of violent protesters clashing with the police. This was the start of the LGBT political activism.
  • Kent State Shootings

    National guard was sent to break up a protest about the US bombing Cambodia. The national guard killed 4 college students and wounded 9 others.
  • Equal rights amendment

    This was a proposed constitutional amendment that would remove pay differences based on sex. This amendment wasn't ratified, and never went into effect.
  • Roe v Wade.

    This was a supreme court about whether or not abortions were legal. Abortions were determined legal 7-2.
  • Paris Peace Accords

    This was the peace agreement that ended the Vietnam War. US removed all forces, and all POW from North Vietnam were released.
  • Fall of Saigon

    Saigon the capital of South Vietnam was captured by the Viet Cong. This was the end of the Vietnam war.