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Cold War Timeline

  • Containment

    The Policy of Containment was a crucial event in the many which ultimately shaped the cold war. Containment was used for one purpose; preventing the spread of communism. This policy was used to stop communism spreading not only to America but also to the nations in which the soviets had made attempts to sway them to communism.
  • Period: to

    Cold War

  • Nuclear Arms Race

    Nuclear Arms Race
    The Nuclear Arms Race between the Soviet Union and the United States, effectively began when the U.S.S.R dropped their first Nuclear wepaon, in Auguat 1949. This was such a crucial event in the Cold War period as it set in motion the batle for power, in an area, which managed to cause so much pain and suffering, The Nuclear Arms Race, may not have been a very postive one, but it was definately important.
  • Space Race

    Space Race
    The Space Race became yet another field for the Soviets and Americans to compete wiht each other for, and was, again, an integral event in timeline of the Cold War. This battle to send the first Human Being into space was the ultimite sign of superiority between the powers, at the time. This event was so important as it demonstrated who was the most advanced and whow had the best chance, to spread their gverning ideals, or contain the opposing sides system.
  • JFK

    John Fitzgerald Kennedy was instrumental in putting into place some of the most important events of the 60's. These include the Space Race, The Cuban Missile Crisis and The African American civil rights movement. JFK's importance in all of these events allowed America to be seen as a great world power, and compete, step for step with the Soviets. He was an integral part of the key events, which altered the course of the cold war, and managed to contain, the dreaded spread of Communism
  • The Building of the Berlin Wall

    The Building of the Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall was a divide between East and West Berlin. This wall seperated Berlin into four sections, one going to the soviets, and three others, one for each of the allies. The building of the wall may not be as significant as if its demolition in 1990, but it was an extremely important part, of the Cold War. It effectively represented the free capitalist side on the West, and the shckled, hard working communists on the East.
  • The Cuban Misile Crisis

    The Cuban Misile Crisis
    The Cuban Misile Crisis set up a thirteen day deadlock at the end of October. This came as a result of the Soviets having set up nuclear armed forces in Cuba This crisis sent JFK to set up a blockade around cuba. JFK believed this as the best decision as they were equipped to counterbalance the soviets nuclear threat with their navy and military forces. This was a crucial event in the Cold War as it showed just how little either power wanted to give in, to the other system.